19. What are we?

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Pond's pov:

I get woken up to the sun poking me in the eye from in between the curtains. I look around the room seeing clothes on the floor and a very sleepy Phuwin next to me. He didn't run away this time. I almost had a heart attack when my phone started ringing. Niran. I pick it up and talk quietly not to wake Phuwin up.
"Hey man!" Niran basically yelled.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Me and the team are going to watch the basketball game this afternoon. Do you wanna join us?"
I take a few seconds to think and then respond.
"I'd rather stay home today, im not feeling so well," i lie.
"Okay, okay, get well soon!"
I end the call and put my phone back on the nightstand. I lie back down on the bed. My head starts filling with thoughts. Does Phuwin like me? Why didn't he run away this time? Why did he run away last time? What should i have for breakfast? I get interrupted when i start hearing movement next to me. Phuwin looks around the room a little and then lies back down.
"Morning," i say. Phuwin turns around, so he's now facing me.
"Morning, what time is it?" I take a look at my phone's lock screen and then say:
"Mm," Phuwin says as a response. We both lie there in silence. A comfortable silence.
"Im happy you didn't run away this time." Phuwin looks at me, and we make eye contact.
"Me too.." he mutters.
"What?" I ask, even tho i heard him loud and clear, just wanted him to repeat himself.
"I said me too." To my surprise, he actually said it again.

I took one last look at the mirror before exiting the bathroom. I looked at Phuwin, who was lying in bed on his phone. I open the doors to my closet and look around. I pick out a light green shirt and some light blue jeans. I throw them on to the bed.
"Shower, get changed and come downstairs," i say as i close the bedroom door and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I take a quick look around the fridge and take a few ingredients. I'll make an omelet. I get a bowl, crack open the eggs, and i whisk. After that, i add them to a pan and voila!!
Phuwin comes into the kitchen and sits down behind the island.
I put some omelet in front of him and sit next to him with my plate.
He looks at the omelet in a very concerning way.
"Are you sure this is edible?" I look at him in pure shock.
"How dare you! My omelet is very edible. If you dont want it I'll eat it for you!" I say as i was reaching out for his plate. He slaps my hand.
"No, no, I'll eat it." Phuwin picks up his fork and takes a bite.
"Hmm.. it's actually edible, im surprised," I have a huge smile on my face.
"Of course it is!"

We both sit on the couch as Phuwin is on his phone, and i just scroll through channels. Phuwin decides to text Dunk.

"Dunk, i gotta tell you something."

"What's up?"

"You home?"

"Yeah, Joong just dropped me off."

"You promise not to tell ANYONE"


"Me and Pond slept together..


"I honestly dont know.."

Phuwin locks his phone.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask. He nods. I start scrolling through the movie options.
"Oo, let's watch 10 things i hate about you!" Phuwin basically yells.
"You like that movie?" I ask.
"Yes! It's one of my favorites." I click on the movies, and we get comfortable on the couch.
Around the end of the movie, Phuwin stands up and starts looking for his belongings.
"What you looking for?" I ask
"My jacket"
After a minute or so, he finally finds it. He walks back to the living room and looks at the time.
"I gotta go, catch a flight."
I was surprised by that.
"Want me to give you a ride?"
"Sure, but i gotta swing by my place real quick."

We enter the building's lobby and get greeted by the receptionist. We make our way to the elevator, and Phuwin presses the top floor button. After a solid 3 minute elevator ride, i finally hear the ding. I follow Phuwin to some black door with a number 801. He unlocks it with his fingerprint and lets me in. Damn this place is huge!!
Phuwin walks around the apartment and starts collecting his stuff. I just look around. A big sectional grey sofa, white rug, coffee table, huge black TV, paintings, and plants. He has good taste. I make my way to his kitchen. It's as big as the living room, and it has an amazing view of Bangkok. After about 10 minutes, Phuwin walks up to me.
"You like?" He asks. I nod.
"Your place is so pretty, you have amazing taste!"
"Aww, thanks, let's go. Im ready."

I park my car by the airport and walk along with Phuwin as far as i can go without a ticket. I give him a quick hug.
"Text me when you land!"
"Of course!"
I watch him give away his luggage and start heading for the security. This is gonna be a very interesting few weeks.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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