14. Star & Sea

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Dunk's pov:

I wake up to a horrible noise, my phone ringing. I pick it up.
"Hello?" I say half asleep.
"Are you still in bed?" Joong says.
I look at the clock, it's 12 pm.
"Oh shit! It's 12 pm."
"What are you doing today?" Joong asks.
"Nothing, i guess."
"Good, then you can help find a perfect Christmas gift for Jai."
"Fine, fine, when do you wanna meet and where?"
"Hmm... the mall in an hour." That wakes me up.
"In an hour?!"
"You better get your ass out of bed." Joong says, hanging up. I get up as quickly as possible and get in the shower. I change my clothes and go downstairs. I make myself a quick coffee and then get out the door. I quickly look at my text messages, Phuwin hasn't read my texts yet. I get in the car and start driving. Soon after, i arrive and meet up with Joong by the water fountain.

He quickly pulls my hand and starts walking towards a store. We enter a beaty shop. He pulls me to the perfumes.
"I was thinking about getting her a perfume." I nod at that.
"Good idea. What's her signature smell, or what does she like?" I ask.
"She likes strong but sweet perfumes." I looked around a little and then picked up a yellow glass bottle with a brown bow on it.
"How about this?" Joong smells it and nods instantly.
"She would love this one! You're good at this." He says. I smile.

After he paid for it, we walked around the mall aimlessly.
"I want to buy something more, but i don't know what." I look around a little and then point at a jewelry store.
"How about you buy her a bracelet or some pretty necklace." I say. Joong seems to like that idea. When we enter, Joong instantly goes looking at some necklaces and earrings. I make my way to the bracelets. I look at the pretty gold ones when i see a familiar one. It's the same bracelet i lost at Prijas party. I had the letter D engraved in it. Maybe i should buy a new one. Suddenly, someone came behind me and looked over my shoulder.
"Pretty bracelet." Joong says. I turn around and face him with a big smile.
"I had a similar one, but i lost it." Joong takes the bracelet from my hand and looks at it closely.
"I've seen a similar one, but i don't remember where." He places the bracelet back down in its small box and hands me a necklace. It's a silver necklace with a cute jem in the middle.
"It's so pretty,"
"You think?"
We walk up to the counter, and Joong pays for it.

"I think i got everything i needed." He says as we walk outside the mall.
I look to my left and see a park in the distance.
"Hey, the weather is good. Let's go walk at the park for a little while." I say. Joong looks at me and then raises an eyebrow.
"You really wanna go?" He asks me, surprised. I nod.
"Fine, let's go." I have a huge smile on my face like some child. We walk around the park and see a lot of kids running around and couples having picnics. We come across a fountain full of coins. I walk up to it while searching for a coin. When i was unsuccessful, Joong walked next to me and handed me a coin. We both threw one and made a wish. When that was done, we continued our walk.
"What did you wish for?" He asks me
"It won't come true if i tell you." Joong chuckles at that.

Joong quickly pulls my hand. I look at him.
"There's some cool painting activity. Let's go!" He says. I follow him and sit down on some blankets that have been set down on the ground. A young girl approaches us.
"Do you guys want to paint something?"
"Yeah, we would. What can we paint?"
"T-shirts, jackets, bags, mugs, pots, and much more!"
"I would love to paint on a jacket." I say.
"Me too!" Joong adds. Soon after, the young girl comes back with 2 jackets and some paint. We both start with our designs. I looked through pinterest and got the perfect idea. I wanted to paint the sea. I started a quick sketch and then moved on to the painting part. Joong got an idea before me. He wanted to draw stars. He isn't much of an artistic person, so stars should be easy for him. When we both finished painting, we left the jackets there to dry.

We both decided to just lay on the blanket and enjoy the sun. Joong was on his phone texting someone, probably Jai. I turned my head to face him, while i was thinking. God, when am i gonna tell him that we slept together. I would tell him, but would that hurt Joong's and Jai's relationship in any way? And I don't want this to break our friendship. I guess telling him would be the worst thing right now. I get snapped out of my thoughts when Joong moves his face closer to me, leaving 10cm in-between us. We both look into each other's eyes, not breaking the contact. It could have been 10 seconds or 3 minutes, but it felt like a long time. We both end the eye contact when we hear a little girl scream:
"Mommy! Can we please get ice cream?" Me and Joong both look at her direction.
"Yes honey, we can."
"Yess!" She yells, jumping around. I chuckle at that.
"Wanna get ice cream?" Joong asks me."
"Sure." We both stand up and make our way to the ice cream stand. We get in line and wait for our turn.
"Hello! What can i get you?" The young man asks us.
"I'll get a strawberry ice cream." Joong says.
"I'll get a mint chocolate chip ice cream." I say.
"Right on it!" 3 minutes later, we both have ice creams in our hands as Joong pays.
"You know i could have paid." I say, taking a lick of my ice cream.
"Yeah, well take this as a thank you gift for spending the day with me and helping me find a gift." We both finish our ice creams.
"How can you eat ice cream that tastes like toothpaste?" Joong asks me. I smack his shoulder.
"It tastes very well actually, so i don't mind."

We return to the blankets and check on our jackets.
"I think they're dry." I say careful touching the paint with my finger. We both put our jackets on. Joong had the biggest eyes ever when he saw my jacket.
"How can you draw so well... I could barely do stars, and honestly, they look like shit." I start laughing at that, and soon after Joong joins.
"Do you guys want a picture?" The young girl asks us. We both nod. She takes out a polaroid camera and takes a few pictures.
"You guys are a cute couple!" She says, handing me the photos. I quickly make eye contact with Joong.
"Eh.. Thank you!" I say with a smile.
We walk away, both laughing.

Joong walks me to my car.
"I had a lot of fun today, i wouldn't mind doing something similar." Joong says. We both say our goodbyes, and Joong starts walking towards his car.
"Joong!" I yell. Joong turns around.
I wave the photos in my hand. I run up to him and hand him 2.
"For the memories, you know."
"Yeah.." he says with a smile.

Had to include something from Star in my mind 🤭

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