18. Team red has won

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Dunk's pov:

I get woken up to someone ringing my doorbell and my phone exploding. I groun as i get myself out of the bed. A shiver goes down my spine from the cold that hit my skin. All i want to do is go back to my warm bed but no, some bitch is behind my door. I walk up to the door wearing shorts and a hoodie. To my surprise it wasn't a bitch behind my door, it was Joong. I look at him, confused, gesturing for him to come inside. He makes his way to my living room and sits down on the couch. I look at him again in confusion.
"Let's do something." He says. Now I'm even more confused.
"What- why now? I tried to get you out of your condo yesterday, but you said that you would rather die. Why chance your mind now?"
"Well, i think that i need to move on from Jai. We weren't meant to be, and i need a distraction. I'm hoping you can help with that, let's do something fun to get my mind off of things." I think for a few seconds then say:
"Give me 20 minutes to get ready."

Me and Joong walk up to his car and get in. I sit in the passenger seat. Joong suddenly hands me his phone.
"Where ya wanna go?" I think for a few minutes and write something into Google Maps. After a minute or two, i pick his phone back up and open spotify. It is awfully quiet here. I put on one of his playlists. K by Cigarettes After Sex starts playing. We both seem to enjoy the song. After a little while, we finally arrived. Joong looked at the gate of the building and then at me again.
"You brought me to an amusement park?" I nod with a huge smile on my face. I take his hand, leading him inside. He pays for our tickets, and we enter.

We start looking around a little. Suddenly Joong just stops walking, i almost pumped into him. He points his finger at some black building with a sign on it 'Laser Tag'.
"Let's go play some laser tag!" I giggle at him. He acts like a child.
"Sure!" A huge smile appears on his face. We make our way to that black building. The worker there gives us a small run-through of the rules, and we gear up. Im team blue and Joong is team red. We go inside the dark room and hide ourselves. I start walking around again when i hear the music start and see the colorful lights start flickering. I look around the corner to see if Joongs is there, but he's not. I walk around more when i hear a huge noise. I get scared to death. I carefully walk around the dark room, trying not to bump into anything. Suddenly, i hear someone yell:
"Ah shit!" It's Joong. I giggle to myself. I hear footsteps. I hide myself behind a wall. And before i even knew it, a red laser came at me making a huge noise when i got hit.
"Team red has won!" Says a robotic voice on the speakers. The lights turn on, and i can finally see Joong laughing at me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and starts leading us towards the exit. We take off our gear and walk out of the building.
"Well, this was fun!" Joong says.
"Yeah, for you.. i lost!" Joong starts laughing again.
"Aww, come on now. I'll buy you a cotton candy."

After a few more games, we decided to just walk around. We made our way to the mini game part of the park. Joong plays some basketball game that doesn't really work out for him. I laugh at his loss.
"Im a footballer, of course my basketball skills aren't so good." He says in his defense. We walk around more, and then we spot a small stand with a bunch of stuffed animals. We walk up to the worker and ask what we gotta do here.
"Ah, you just gotta pop the balloons with darts. And if you pop 6 balloons with 6 darts, you can win a stuffed animal of your choice!" He says. Me and Joong quickly make eye contact, and he already takes his wallet out and hands money to the salesman. He has been given 6 darts. I backed up to give him a little bit of more space. He breathes in and out and throws the first dart. A balloon pops. Not even a second later, the next ballon pops. Joong seems to be good at this. Just as we thought he was doing great, he missed a shot. He managed to get 5 out of 6 balloons. The salesman handed me a handful of candy. Joong sighs and takes out his wallate again. Im surprised. He now breathes in and out again and looks very concentrated. He got all 6 balloons. A huge smile appears on Joong's face.
"You pick, it's for you!" I laugh at that. The salesman lets me pick a stuffed animal. I pick a cute elephant with a pink bow.
"Your boyfriend worked very hard to win it for you. You guys are so cute!" I look at him confused for a few seconds then say:
"Aww, thank you so much!" I walk up to Joong.
"That salesman thought we were dating.." Joong looks at me confused, then starts laughing.

We finally sit down on a bench. My legs hurt from all of this running around, from one game to a nother. But now i can eat my peppermint chocolate chip cream in peace. Suddenly, Joong takes a huge bite from my ice cream. I'm in shock.
"What- you bitch!" I say half yelling.
"Mm.. still tastes like toothpaste!" He says happily, now taking a bite of his chocolate ice cream.
"You didn't have to take that big of a bite!"
"You can take a bite from mine!" He says. I take a huge bite as revenge.
"Ah!" He yalls looking angry. He starts hitting me, and i quickly stand up as he starts chasing me around the park. After a few minutes, we sit back down, catching our breath and eating the remaining ice cream that didn't melt, fall to the ground, or get eaten.
Joong is one of the best people I've ever met, I'm so happy he's in my life. I couldn't ask for anything more right now. Whenever i'm with Joong, i feel different. All the thoughts and overthinking that usually go around in my head just disappear. He is a person who i can have a serious conversation with, but also do the stupidest stuff ever. He is my safe space.

We didn't even notice that there was someone taking pictures of us in the background. They pressed some buttons on their phone and then called someone.
"Hey, you can't believe who i saw at the amusement park and with who. I'll send you the pictures." After a few minutes of more tapping and pressing.
"Do you think they broke up? If they did and what I'm seeing right now is true, this is gonna be some hot gossip to send around the school." The mysterious person says, ending the call.


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