4. Give me your name

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Phuwin's pov:

I wake up to someone having their hands wrapped around my waist and snuggling into my neck. I turn around to look at them, but their face is covered by their dark brownish fluffy hair that i don't dare touch. I take my phone on the bed stand and look at the time, 7:00. I have class in a  hour and a half, I should get going before he wakes up. I try to get out of bed, but the person next to me grouns and just tightens their grip. I sigh as i try again. I quickly put on my clothes as i hear someone saying,
"Where are you going?" I stay silent for a few seconds and then say, facing him with my back. "School, where else." I put my phone in my pocket and turned to the bedroom door, ready to leave. "Wait! Can you give me your phone number?" I turn to face the guy for a few seconds and then turn away again opening the door. "At least your name then." "Go to hell!" i say as i walk out of the bedroom. I make my way to the living room admiring the gorgeous house he owns. I put on my shoes and walk outside to get a quick breaver. I started looking for my keys to my condo, but my pocket was empty. Where are they. I stand still by the front of his house for a few seconds, thinking what to do and where to go. I take out my phone and decide to call Dunk, remembering i abandoned him at the party last night. He must be furious. I pressed the call button, but after several rings, i didn't get any response. Where the hell is he?

I connect my airpods and walk around aimlessly for about an hour. Soon, i make my way to some food street full of restaurants and cafes. I look around a little until i see my favorite cafe of all times, 'Blue Cloud'.  I walk in and sit down by a window seat as a staff member comes up to me.
"Oh hi Phuwin! You're here earlier than normally. What can i get ya?" says Malee. Me, Dunk, Prija, Malee, and a few other people grew up together. Now we all go to the same college and we're still friends. "I think i'll have the same thing i had yesterday, an iced coffee." She smiles and walks behind the counter to make my drink. A few minutes later, she hands me my coffee and sits across from me. "Did you like Prija's very, very late Halloween party? It's like the end of November. I saw you only for a few seconds but then lost ya." I take a sip of my drink and then answer. "Yeah, it was fun, I don't really remember much, but head ache is the evidence of the fun i had there." We both laugh. We talked for quite a while. I look at the time. "Okey, i gotta go. My class is starting in 30 minutes, see you at school." I say as i walk out the door, reconnecting my airpods as i start making my way to college.

I make it to class just in time, and I'm already seeing Dunk sitting at our usual spot. I sit next to him. "I'm sorry for leaving you at the party." I say quickly, closing my eyes, scared of him flicking my forehead. "I was about to say the same thing to you." I open my eyes in confusion. "I slept with some random guy from our collage, who looks oddly familiar. What about you?" I ask dunk. He sighs and looks at me. "I think i fucked up." I look at him for a few seconds. "Okey, how?" We were silent for a little while. "I... accidentally slept with Joong... My enemy ever since birth." I look at him blankly. "Does he know?" Dunk shakes his head quickly. "At least i hope he doesn't." I was about to add something but the professor walked in screaming "Silence, class has started!" I give him one last look and whisper "Let's talk about it in the music room after school." He nods.

I have another hour until Dunk's last class ends so i decided to go to the cafeteria for something to drink. When I arrived at the cafeteria, I saw that there was a long queue for the vending machine. I sighed and joined the queue. I heard a lot of laughter and screaming from behind me, the football team. A few of them also joined the queue. Suddenly, i heard a familiar, but at the same time, not voice say
"What drinks y'all getting?" I turn around to look at the person. Oh no, it's the guy i slept with last night. He also turned to me. He looked confused for a few seconds, but then his eyes went big from realization. His friends continued talking, completely ignoring the fact that he wasn't paying attention. He decided to walk up to me and then open his mouth. "Hey, it's you from the party. You walked away from me this morning." He says with a little smirk on his face.
"Maybe now you're gonna give me your phone number, love."  Something about this man is awfully strange. Normal people would leave their one-night stands alone, but for some reason, he is trying so hard. "I don't think you'll be so lucky." I say as i quickly put in the money for the machine and walk away with my drink. Now, i need to be extra careful with where i am and what i do, knowing that he goes to the same college as me. I open my yellow can and take a sip.

I open the door for the art room, already seeing Dunk sit by one of the tables on his phone. I sit next to him as he locks his phone and puts it down on the table.
"So what are we gonna do about the Joong thing?" i ask. "I seriously don't know, i think the best thing i can do right now is just hope that he didn't see my face or found my voice familiar." We stay silent for a few seconds brain-storming more ideas, but nothing. I look at him and then see that his bracelet is missing. "Hey, where's the bracelet your mom got you for your birthday when you were little?" Dunk looks at his left wrist and panics, looking on the floor and through his backpack. He looks up at me, and then his face goes all sad. "It's missing."Don't worry, it's probably somewhere at your place." Suddenly, his phone's screen lights up, a message from our friend Niran, part of our school's football team, who also grew up with us. "Niran wants me to get his phone charger for the guy's changing room at the gym. He forgot it there. I think i'll go. Text me, and you get home." He says as he walks off, leaving me alone in the music room. For a few minutes, i just stared into nothing, but then i decided to get up and walk to the stage. I take the guitar and sit back down. I play around with the strings a little. Suddenly, i thought i heard the door open, but when i looked, there was no one. I must be losing it. After thinking for a few seconds, i decided to play 'Sunsetz' by Cigarettes After Sex, one of my favorite songs. Whenever i'm having a bad day or just stressed, music is always the one to help me.

Hold me as tight as possible {JoongDunk & PondPhuwin}Where stories live. Discover now