12. I really do

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Joong's pov:

I sit on my phone going through insta as the people are presenting their projects in the background. I got a message from Jai.

Why didn't you text me good night OR good morning?

She sounds pissed. I rub my forehead a little. Dunk puts his hand on my shoulder. I turn towards him.
"You okay?" He asked
"Jai's upset that I didn't text her good night or good morning."
"Tell her that you were doing a school project with a friend, and before you even knew it, it was after midnight, and you didn't wanna bother her." Dunk said with a little smile on his face. He called him my friend. That's a new feeling, but a good one. I nod.

Sorry! I was doing a school project with a friend, and suddenly, it was midnight, so i didn't wanna bother you with my texts.

What friend? Pond?

No, Dunk. Remember, he went to school with us ever since primary school until high school.

Didn't he have a massive crush on Prija?

Yeah, he did.

Next time, tell me if you're going out with your friends


I sigh and put my phone on the table.
"Problem solved?" Dunk asked.
I nod a little.
"I do have a feeling this is going to create many more."

Pond and Phuwin sit back down in their seats. Dunk whispers something to Phuwin, and they both smile.
"Dunk's team," the teacher said. Dunk and I made quick eye contact and started walking towards the front of the classroom. Dunk connects his laptop and puts our presentation on the screen.
"Hello, my name is Joong, and he is Dunk. We made a presentation about Holi and Midsummer." I say.
"Holi is a popular Hindu festival that's celebrated as the festival of colors, love, and spring. They say the festival shows the victory of good over evil and the arrival of spring. Holi started in India but is also now celebrated in many asian countries." I said. The teacher wrote down some notes and nodded.
"Midsummer is a celebration of the season of summer usually held at a date around the summer solstice, the 24th of June. It's celebrated in Europe and usually with feasts, dancing and a bonfire. Also, some make garlands of fresh flowers." Dunk said. The teacher took some notes and nodded. We stated the similarities and differences. Finishing our slides.
"I liked it a lot. Good job!" She says, continuing with the rest of the class. When we returned to our seats, Pond gave me a high five, and Phuwin said something to Dunk. The lesson continued smoothly.

The rest of the day was as boring as possible. Full of studying, and it's the last week before winter break. Around the end of the day me and Pond made our way to the very last lesson. History. Hate it, my grade here is a C. I don't understand a word that's coming out of the teachers mouth. We sit down in some random seats. That's when we noticed Phuwin and Dunk sitting in the row in front of us. Didn't know they were in this class. Pond also noticed. He tapped Phuwin's shoulder, which made him turn around. He looked as surprised as us. Now, Dunk is also turning around. We all look at each other. How didn't i notice in 5 months that Dunk is in this class.

Phuwin puts in his airpods and lays his backpack on the table to be a pillow for him.
"Class is starting in 6 minutes, and you're planning on falling asleep." Pond questions.
"I don't understand shit anyways. What's the point." Phuwin says, keeping his head on his backpack and eyes closed. I was about to say something, but the teacher walked in. Mr.Revit. Oh, how he loves to torture me.
"Class, im going to be nice to you today because it's the last day before winter break. We're going to play some history themed games, and maybe you'll even get out of here early." Smiles appeared on everyones faces. Some even started clapping.
"You need to form groups of 4. You 4, you 4, you 4, you 4 and you guys, " He said, pointing his finger around. Me, Pond, Phuwin, and Dunk managed to get into the same team.

"Let's start off with a quick kahoot, i believe you guys know how they work."
I took my phone out and joined the kahoot.
The game started.
The first 5 questions were very easy, and we got to the 4th place. Sadly, we put the 5th wrong, and that got Phuwin's attention. He raised his head and turned around to look at my phone.
"What years did the Cold War happen in?" Everyone except Phuwin made confusing faces.
"1946-1991" Phuwin said, taking his airpods out and putting them back in their case. Me and Pond made quick eye contact and typed in the answer. After a long and painful wait, we got it correct.
"Come on! How did only 1 team get it correct?" The teacher asked.
"You were actually correct..." Pond said. Phuwin just shrugged his shoulders as a response. The game continued. We managed to battle through the rest of the game and get 1st place.
"Good job!" The teacher said.

When the class ended, Phuwin and Dunk were talking about something.
"What are y'all doing around 7 tonight?" Phuwin asks.
"Nothing much." Pond said.
"Good, then let's go get some drinks." Dunk said. Me and Pond both nodded in agreement.
Pond and Phuwin started walking towards the door as Dunk and I were still talking.
"I'll text you the address and time." Phuwin said.
"I'll be waiting." Pond said, leaning on the door frame with a smile on his face. Now, Dunk and I also made it there. We all separated, going our own ways.
Me and Pond got inside my car, and I started driving towards my place. Suddenly Pond's phone buzzed.

Meet us at Sal's, 7 o'clock

A huge smile appeared on Pond's face.
"You must really like him." I said. Now, an even bigger smile.
"I really do."

Hold me as tight as possible {JoongDunk & PondPhuwin}Where stories live. Discover now