17. You!

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Smut warning

Phuwin's pov:

I hate May. I couldn't sleep all night thinking of her and how she promised to 'take' Pond from me. Just mentioning her name could ruin my whole day. Me and Pond aren't even dating. Why am i feeling these feelings. And what would she even do? I know that Pond was some fuckboy who slept with 3 people per week. Actually, i don't know if he's currently sleeping with anyone. Am i seriously some monthly slut to him? And even if i was, why would he be trying so hard?

I start drying my hair with the towel as I walk out of the bathroom. My phone buzzes. I expected it to be Pond, but to my disappointment or surprise, it was the guy i met at the music shop. I was hesitant at first but still pressed on the notification.

It's me, they guy from the music shop, who you recommended the guitar to. I'm Ek, btw.

Hold me as tight as possible {JoongDunk & PondPhuwin}Where stories live. Discover now