A Different Beginning - Chapter 12

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At the Palace:

"Humphrey!! Where are my riding clothes?" yelled the young man in an annoyed voice.

Little Humphrey came running into the room as fast as his substantial body and short legs could carry him.

"Your Highness?" he asked questioningly.

"My riding clothes," said the prince looking at his manservant, his eyes narrowing. "I wished to ride today, I go to my closet and voila! my clothes seemed to have disappeared! Now tell me Humphrey, how is that possible?"

The poor little valet stammered and stuttered, hemmed and hawed, seeming incapable of forming a coherent sentence.

"Enough!" the prince roared after Humphrey's third attempt at a sentence. "You have one more chance before I send you to the kitchens for the rest of your existence!"

"Damon dear, what are you bellowing on about?" a silken voice asked. He heard the swishing sound of lace petticoats and silken trains before a tall stately women walked into the room. She had the air of an imperial empress but her face was kind and around her mouth and eyes there was a hint of smile lines.

"I can't find my riding clothes mother." the prince answered frantically searching through his chest of drawers.

"Be that as it may, that is no reason to reduce your valet to a state of apoplectic shock." she answered looking at her son in disapproval.

Prince Damon look guiltily at his servant who stood white faced and trembling by one of his wardrobes.

"Forgive me Humphrey, you know how I get." he said not unkindly.

The little man look relieved and began picking up the clothes lying haphazardly around the room.

"Not to worry sir, I have been told I am much too sensitive for my own good."

"Mother, have you any idea where my riding clothes are?" Damon asked as he began frantically rummaging through articles of clothing once again.

"How in the world would I know a thing like that?" she answered with a laugh. "Why are you so desperate to go riding suddenly? Didn't you have a marvelous hunting spree yesterday? I should think you would be tired of your horses for one day at least."

"I would mother, but father has requested I go riding with him and I am already behind. Blast it all Humphrey!! WHERE ARE MY RIDING CLOTHES?!" he exploded once more sending his valet scurrying in all anxiousness once more.

"Darling, you are bellowing again." the queen sighed looking at the explosion of clothing around her. "Why couldn't you simply wear something else?"
At her son's look of annoyance she sighed once more and bent down to rummage threw a chest. "What do they look like?"
"Green with gold buckles and black boots." he answered quickly.

"Your Majesty!" Humphrey gasped. "Forgive me, you should not have to...."

"Humphrey, if you do not calm yourself I am afraid you could come to some harm. Now, I have romped with my boys and dug trenches with them in the garden when they were younger I don't see how helping Damon find his boots is a problem." she said glancing sternly at Humphrey, who looked as if he were on the verge of fainting.

The rummaging continued for several more minutes before the queen shouted, "AHA! Victory! Darling, I have found your boots!"
Damon rushed over and looked at them, "Thank you mother, now if only we could find the breeches and tunic to match."
Humphrey jiggled up to them with his arms full. "If I may, Your Highness, I believe I have found the breeches..."
"And you are wearing your tunic dear." Queen Annabella finished with a chuckle.

"Oh," Prince Damon looked chagrined and picked up the tunic.

"Now hurry! We mustn't keep your father waiting for any longer than necessary." she added hurredly. "You put on the breeches and tunic and when you come out I will help you button the overcoat. Hurry dear!" and with that she exited the dressing room.

Humphrey assisted his master and brushed the breeches clean of lint. He was about to button the overcoat when Prince Damon stopped him.

"No, Humphrey, mother wanted to help with that."

"But sir, it is highly inappropriate for Her Majesty to be performing such a menial task." he sputtered.

"It makes her happy." Damon answered simply.

They both walked into the sitting room where his mother was waiting. 

"Now, I've called the servant to ready your horse. All we must do is button that great overcoat and you are on your way."

Damon walked over to his mother and she began fastening the many buttons that were her delight and his nemesis.

Humphrey, however was increasingly uncomfortable with his sovereign completely what he thought was manual labor.

"Your Majesty, are you quite sure you should be doing something like this? The king would not approve."

Her Majesty glared at Humphrey. "The king would not mind in the least. Never try to use my wish for my husband's approval against me again or you will find yourself in places you only ever imagined in your nightmares. Is that quite understood?"
Damon muffled a laugh. 

"Y-y-y-y-es Your Majesty."

"Good, now please go see to it that my son's horse is ready."
The little valet hurried away as quickly as his portly frame would allow.

"Mother, he really was only trying to help." Damon began.

"I am quite aware of that fast darling, but sometimes he goes too far. I am perfectly aware of my duty as a queen but my duty as a mother is even more important to me. Now, you look wonderful dear. Have a good time."

"Thank you mother," Damon bent forward and kissed her forehead. 

"Enough nonsense." the queen smiled. "Go tell your father I was keeping you. Off you go."

"Yes mother."

Prince Damon left the room leaving his mother behind.

"I hope he takes it well." she whispered out loud. "He is far too much like me."

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