Chapter 27

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**Hey everyone!! I'm trying to be a lot more regular with my updates and inspiration has hit yet again!! I hope you enjoy this new chapter and please comment and star the story!! It really encourages me to update faster than anything else :)**

She was out, and all she could think as she sat, sprawled out on the floor of the kitchen, was that it was a miracle. The odds of this happening again in a similar situation was....well, she didn't really want to contemplate that at the moment. The most important thing was that she was free.

However, now that she was out, there was hope again. And hope could be either be a horribly painful thing or wonderfully helpful. With the hope she felt, there came a series of questions.
Should she attempt to go to the ball? If she did, was the dress she had slaved over elegant enough for such an occasion? and last of all, but certainly not leastwise....if she should go to the ball, would her stepmother and stepsisters recognize her?
At first, Ella's instinct was to remain at home. What need had she for spectacular balls and wealthy princes? Her aspirations were certainly not as high as all that. She would go merely to experience and treasure the memories she would surely make if she were to attend such a magnificent event. But....if her stepsisters or, heaven forbid, her stepmother were to recognize her there, she was not sure if she would live to regret it.

That tiny voice in the corner of her heart kept speaking persistently, nagging her to for once, do something that she had dreamed of for months now. That persistent little voice asked her questions she wanted answers to. For instance, if she were to go to the ball, what if she were to have a marvelous time? What if there was the possibility she would meet someone to love there? But most importantly of all, what if she met that kind stranger from the woods? Would he even recognize her without her sooty face, and worn dress? Was such a thing even possible to dream of?

With all these thoughts and questions looming in her mind, Ella steeled herself, stood up and began her ascent to the third floor of the house. Entering into her grandmother's room she cautiously crossed to the trunk where she kept her greatest hope. Opening the trunk she withdrew her gown in a flurry of silk and chiffon, the fabric making soft swishing sounds against the darkly stained wood.

It had been a painstaking labor of love but Ella had finally finished what she hoped would give her wings. The gown Grandmother had given her was unrecognizable from its former state. The silver lace overskirt had been cut away to reveal the rich royal blue, silken layers. To remedy the old fashioned collar, it had been cut away revealing a daring neckline that Ella blushingly lined with the access fabric from the skirt.  The flowers that had roped around in a dizzying pattern along the sleeves and edge of the skirt had been skillfully removed and layered under sheer, icy-blue chiffon. It had the effect of seeming as though the flowers were floating just underneath the blue silk lake that was her train. To finish off the effect, Ella went into the garden and plucked three, blushing rosebuds to wrap into her hair. She had no rings, nor jewels with which to weigh down her neck and hands but, she fancied, she was more content than all the girls that dripped in diamonds and rubies. 

Ella ran to the bathing room to wipe away the layers of sweat and grime she may have acquired during the day's work and her consequent escape. She wished desperately that she had the time and means, to bathe properly but seeing as she had only a few more hours before midnight, it was simply a luxury she could not afford. Being even more daring than before, she tapped her stepsister's rose water over her face and reasoned her guilt away with the idea that she could not possibly go to the banquet smelling of coal and soot. As she stepped into her gown she had a heart-stopping thought. She had no shoes! Such a beautiful gown and all she had to wear on her feet were torn stockings and little-patched slippers of grey leather. They were perfectly functional for the everyday work at the manor however they seemed most out of place on this occasion. Our poor Ella was so distressed by this turn of events that she decided to forgo her stockings all together. But she could not imagine herself stepping on the tiles of the palace banquet hall without any shoes on her feet. She anxiously looked in the full-length mirror and stopped short.

The girl that she expected in the mirror did not come to meet her. Instead, in her place, stood a woman that she did not recognize. A graceful figure with porcelain skin and large doe-like eyes of amethyst and blue stood in her place. The only things they had in common were their bare feet and startled expressions. Shaking herself, Ella dropped the full skirt of the gown and twirled this way and that. She found that only the tips of her grey slippers were visible when she danced but the length of the skirt was so full and wide that, otherwise, she had nothing to fear. That being discovered she resolved that if there was to be any dancing she would not participate. For who would wish to dance with a girl who wore coal-stained slippers on her feet, despite the beautiful gown and rosebud crown.

She must have looked quite the picture sitting in the back of the hay wagon on the road, but, despite the bouncing up and down she was perfectly happy. Staring at the horizon line in front of her, Ella was surrounded by the sweet smell of fresh earth, the dew of dusk, and the heat coming off of the hay. The crackling under her gown drew the attention of the farmer who had been no less surprised to see a beautiful young woman in a ball gown flagging him down then if the sky had fallen open. However, as they lived in a relatively small area he had heard about the people that lived on that big manor and he wasn't ready to tell a young girl, dressed up as she was, that she couldn't accompany him to town. If she wanted to sit in the hay in the back of the cart and muss her dress, who was he to tell her no?
Chuckling to himself he thought of the tale he would have for his wife and children when he arrived home. Stretching languidly, the farmer drove mindlessly through the loosely paved grounds leading into town until he heard the soft thudding of his horse's hoofs change into a brisk clip-clop. Finding himself on the paving stones of the town he called out, 'Miss, I don't know where yer aheadin' but the town center is up ahead. Ya could jump off here.'

Ella looked at him and asked, 'How far to the castle sir?'

The farmer looked at her and cocked his head, "Still a ways further I reckon, up on the hill there. I've got a delivery close though if yer lookin' to go that-a-way."
Ella thanked him with a dazzling smile. They rode quietly up to the front of the gate just as the last rays of sunshine was receding on the horizon. 

"Thank you, sir. I could not have made it here without you." Ella exclaimed as she jumped down from the wagon and pat her gown into shape.

"Haha, no worries darlin' but you shouldn't go in seeking king and country with hay in yer hair."
Sheepishly Ella allowed the kindly man to remove the bits of dry grass from her hair and brush it away from her back.

"There now," he said looking at her with a sideways grin. "Yer fittin' for the prince by my reckonin.'"

Ella smiled again and kissed the worn cheek, " I'll come to see those children of yours soon and give you a minute to yourself with your lovely wife as thanks."
"No needin' fer that love, don't you be worrin' yerself. I woulda come this way anyhow. You go now and eat yer fill. Have a dance with that handsome lad and you'll be thankin' me enough."
Nodding her head Ella walked to the gate of the castle and with a wave goodbye, dissappeared from the old farmers site.

"God bless 'er, she looked just like 'er mother," the old man mused as he clicked to his horse. "God bless 'er."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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