A Twist In the Story - Chapter 13

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Hey everybody! This is Cassia and I just wanted to say how much i appreciate all the reads I have been getting lately!! AWESOME stuff guys! I am really hoping to maybe enter this story in a contest sometime or something so any feedback that you have would be absolutely amazing. I am writing this with a lovely head-cold so if this sounds 'stuffy' to you....SORRY!

"Forgive me father," Damon said as they were riding. "It was not my intention to keep you waiting."

"Its quite alright son, I was not waiting long."

They rode on in silence for what seemed hours to Damon but was in actuality only a matter or minutes. He could not understand why his father would invite him to ride with him exclusively. He was not an unaffectionate father by any means but he was not one for heart-to-heart talks.

"Son," his father at last began as they were riding through the forest at the edge of the castle. 

Damon knew this was it. 

"What would you say to having a rather large party in your honor?"

Damon was surprised. This was it? This was what his father wished to discuss with his privately?
"Father, is it really necessary?"

"Well son, your mother is rather anxious to parade you to all the kingdom since you have come home from your travels. After such a long time away from your rightful throne do you not think it wise to show yourself to the people and its governors?" his father looked at him kindly. He knew his son would rather not be put threw all the fuss and bother of something like a ball but he also knew that his son was wise enough not to let an important opportunity slip through his fingers.

Prince Damon was silent contemplating his fathers words. "I suppose I could see the point of a ball but father, please don't allow mother to turn it into one of her extravaganzas. I never enjoy them."
"Don't ever say that in front of your mother if you wish to live." the king chuckled. "I understand what you mean son, but do you honestly think I could stop her even if I wanted to?"
"You are the king, doesn't that mean you can do whatever you want?" Damon asked in a playfully haughty tone.

"Yes son, technically speaking I suppose being the king does come with certain privileges but I shudder to think what your mother would say if I tried to exercise them on her."

At this Damon had to laugh. "Too true father, too true. I do confess though, I did not think you were bringing me all the way out here to speak to me about mother's balls. You have never done so before."
"Well son, there is another matter and one I am not completely comfortable broaching to you."

"Yes father?" Damon was curious and also somewhat hesitant.

Gruffly the king cleared his throat and staring straight ahead began the true topic he wished to discuss with his son. "Well son, you are aware that you will take over as king after your mother and I have either died or felt the urge to retire?"
"Of course father."

"Well good," he cleared his throat again and after stealing a side glance at his son resumed the awkward conversation. "And you are also aware that as king you will have certain responsibilities to the throne and its people that you will have no choice but to comply with?"

Damon couldn't help but wonder where his father was going with this. Certainly there would be many responsibilities and tasks that he would have to perform as king and yes, sometimes he would have no choice in the matter but this was a task he had been trained for his entire life.

"I am aware." he answered warily.

"Umhmm good ahem ahum..." he father continues to clear his throat without meeting his boy's eyes. "Then I feel, that is your mother and I feel....that is to say, we have decided that it would be a proper time for you to search out a proper companion for your future."

"A companion father? I have a valet and he already is more than enough companion for me. There are others about the palace with whom I share friendly relations as well. Why is it necessary for me to chose a companion?"
"No, no, son. I had meant....." His father was turning considerably redder than was his usual skin tone. "Blast it all I should have had your mother speak with you." he sighed and looked at Damon for the first time since he started this conversation.

"Son, your mother and I wish you to find someone you would be comfortable calling your wife, preferably of royal or noble blood."
Prince Damon was completely shocked. The thought had not even begun to cross his mind.
"Why father? You and mother will be on the throne for many years to come and I am still young, if I may say so. I would rather not be tied down with a wife until absolutely necessary."
"Why you say? Well to begin with your for....ahem," here came the throat clearing again. "for procreation and your mother's peace of mind."

Procreation. Now he was expected to sire an heir? 

"Honestly son, its not a horrible thought. Your mother simply feels that matrimony and gaining a crown would be too much to expect anyone to cope with all at once. I am inclined to agree with her. It would be more beneficial to your happiness and ours that you have a strong relationship with your future queen without the added stresses of a monarchy to rule."

"Father, I have only just returned and already you and mother are trying to change my life so drastically?" Damon was frustrated to say the least. They continued to ride but the glorious countryside might as well have been black and grey at that point, Damon was in no mood to appreciate it.

"Its for your own good however you decide to take this news. Your mother is only trying to see to it that you are happy and I fully support her in this."
"But why? Why have we never spoken of this before? Why now?"

"Because son, you are somewhat of an exotic mystery at this point and time. You have been away for so long with your studies and traveling that many of the people have completely forgotten you in a sense. It is a wonderful opportunity to reveal yourself and win the hearts of the people by choosing someone to wed. It consolidates the monarchy and gives everyone a sense of security, knowing that the future is being thought of and provided for."

"But its my future. I do not wish to marry now." Prince Damon argued.

The king's eyebrows furrowed. "Now listen here son, I understand that this is difficult for you but that is a bit much don't you think? We are monarchs and as such we do not always the luxury of our own timing. Sometimes we much bend our wills as best suits the kingdom and right now, an heir would be a wonderful thing or, if not a child, at least a wife for you."

"Father I am not interested in being wed. I never though of taking a wife so soon and I am not going to now!" Damon spoke heatedly.

"Now see here boy! I am the king and you will do as I say! Your mother and I are planning a ball in a few nights time. You will be there and you will choose a bride. If you do not I will choose for you. Would you prefer that?" the king asked angrily.
Damon ground his teeth. "No father."

"Then stop acting like a child and face your responsibilities like a man. This is non-negotiable."

At those words Prince Damon bolted leaving his father to grumble in the dust and follow his back to the castle.

As he flew up the castle courtyard in a rage leaving dust and debris behind him, his mother shook her head from the balcony where she stood. 

"Oh dear," she said shaking her head and sighing.

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