A New Concept - Chapter 8

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Rebecca and Adela never went to bed that night. They both stayed up until the early hours of the morning washing and pressing and sewing dresses. Adela felt that if she never saw another swatch of lace again she would be eternally grateful.

The dresses were of course all beautifully made and of the most expensive material but that did not mean they were suitable for her two stepsisters. Jeanine insisted on wearing purple and green which did not suit her in the least and Francesca considered any pastel color divine which only brought out the rather prominent pimples on her complexion. Still, the colors or styles of the dresses did not matter. What mattered was the sheer number of them.

Each girl had a different dress for morning, afternoon and evening ever day of the week, not to mention the ball gowns and lawn dresses that were worn in the event they were invited to a social gathering.

Rebecca had just finished applying the last swatch of lace on the last gown.

"We might think about hiring out as laundry women after this." she said tiredly.

"What in the name of heaven are you talking about Becca?" Adela looked up from her ironing with a frown.

"Only that with all this practice we may make enough money doing laundry for other people to buy you a dress instead of those god-awful sisters of yours."

Adela smiled, "There is no need. Father will be home soon I am sure and then everything will be set to rights. I will get all the new dresses I can wear then."

Rebecca sighed but kept stitching. "I don't know about that deary. That women upstairs has your father and everyone else wrapped around her little finger."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Adela was beginning to get angry.

"Don't misunderstand me Ella dear, your father is a good man but not even a great man could stand against your stepmother once they were married to her. She is an evil, wicked conniving women who enjoys the suffering of others and that won't change just because your father comes home."

"Perhaps it will. I am sure father won't allow her to treat me this way when he is here and I can't believe she is completely evil."

Rebecca tied off the string left over from sewing and looked up at Adela, "Oh really?? What was all this then? I goodwill gesture? Oh I know....she just wanted to help you feel wanted."

"Well...." Adela began.

"No dear, you listen and listen well. Nothing will ever change for you unless you stand up and change it yourself. You cannot rely on other people for your happiness they are too changeable. You have to make your happiness yourself. Your father being here or not being here won't change that in the least."

Adela was silent for a long while while she thought about what had been said. She had relied on her father ever since she could remember. For her father to not be a part of something in her life was a foreign concept.

"He will come home soon....this I am certain of. When he does everything will change."

That is all Adela would say on the subject. Rebecca tried her best but, as she reasoned to herself, 'I told her everything she needed to know....it is her turn to act now.'

They were only only a few short moments before the step-mother came swishing into the room.

"This is the earliest I have ever seen her up. Usually noon is more like it." Rebecca said under her breathe as Regina came closer.

"Well, it seems you have done your work Adela. However, I am not at all satisfied."

"Trust you for that." Rebecca said while leaning over a pile of dresses.

Regina glared at her but looked back at Adela with a sneer. "I told you to clean the dresses not Rebecca. You are so lazy Adela, you cannot even wash a few paltry dresses without the help of a servant. Do you think your father would be proud of you?"

Adela hung her head and looked at the floor the picture of penitence. If her stepmother could see her eyes she would be infuriated because they were full of rebellion and suppressed rage.

"I expect an answer when I have asked you a direct question young lady. I repeat, do you think your actions last night and this morning would make your father proud of you?"

"No mistress," she replied in a soft voice.

"For once we agree dear, but I am still not fully convinced of your penitence. I will have to think of something else to be certain of your unwavering obedience in the future. As for now, hurry up and help Rebecca serve breakfast. Afterwards you will pack away all my girls beautiful winter dresses and replace them with their summer frocks. Make sure its done by the end of the day along with all your regular work."

"Yes mistress," Adela replied again. Rebecca was folding clothes silently with a look of fury on her normally good-natured face.

Regina was gliding out of the little room when she turned again and said, "And Adela dear, this time don't ask for help or you will regret it this I can promise you."

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