The Compromise - Chapter 15

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The king was sitting in the throne room overlooking several very large maps. "Yes boy?" he growled. He had never been one to look kindly upon interruptions.

"Father, I had a wonderful idea."

Hearing the exuberance in his son's voice the old king looked up from his musty maps and adjusted his overly large spectacles.

"Well speak up then son. What is this all about?"

The prince took a moment to compose himself before speaking once more. "I know we have had our difference concerning my pending marriage."

The king snorted in a very undignified way and began rummaging around in his desk. "You interrupted me for that?"
"Well, no Father. You see, I have an idea about that very thing. Perhaps this would allow us to compromise."

At this the king stopped and removed his glasses effectively giving his son all of his attention. "Now see here sir, do you realize what you are saying?"
"Yes sir."

"Damon, you were so opposed to the business of marriage before, why the sudden change?"
"Father, I was never opposed to the idea of marriage I simply did not appreciate the time limit set on finding the one I could love."

The king humphed and sat back in his seat. "Go one then..."

"I had thought that perhaps we could give three balls inviting all the eligible maidens in the kingdom. In doing so we could deduce the true character of the young women more thoroughly then if we had seen them only once."

This made the king thoughtful for a moment. "I don't know son, three balls could be rather excessive don't you agree?"

Prince Damon had not though of that. "Perhaps father, but what other way could we bring all the girls together on three separate occasions?"

The king smiled at his son. "I really have no idea but I might know someone that could help."


"Your mother."

"What??" Damon asked in surprise.

"Well being a girl herself your mother may be able to assist us with this conundrum. Perhaps if I asked her she would be willing to assist in this."

Damon was overjoyed. His father and he had come to an agreement and he could not help but think it was all thanks to the girl he had met in the woods.

"I agree, that would be a wonderful idea."

"Very well then," the king nodded. "however, since I have agreed to compromise with you I would like your word on something."

Eagerly the prince nodded, "Whatever you wish father."
"I would like your word that no matter what happens or doesn't happen during these three social gatherings you will choose a girl to marry at the end of them."

Damon froze. He had not thought his father would continue to pressure him in this way.

"Father-" he began but was interrupted.

"No son, you cannot expect us to throw these balls and then have nothing to show for them in the end. I know you want something that is personal and true to your feelings but sometimes we cannot have that luxury. So, if you wish to plan this and go ahead with the gatherings then I will require your word on this point."

Damon lowered his head. This was completely unexpected but not completely unreasonable. He understood his father's point of view.

"Father, you do understand what you are asking of me. This could ensure my happiness or completely destroy it."

"Please refrain from being so dramatic son. I swear you grow more like your mother every day. I do understand what I am asking of you and I grant that it is much. I, however, had faith in you Damon. You have a good head on your shoulders boy and I know you will choose someone that you can be happy with if not love in the end."

With a sigh Damon nodded his head, "Then I agree and give you my word Father. Even if I have not fallen in love by the end of these three days, I promise you, I will find a suitable wife and queen for myself and out country."

This being said the prince reached out a hand to his king and in that moment a solemn oath was declared between a father and his son.

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