The Unexpected Occurs - Chapter 25

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Hey everybody!! I was feeling inspired, which is awesome for you guys, so that means that I am writing another chapter!! Again please like and COMMENT!I read every single one and I will most definitely reply to all of them, they really inspire me to keep posting!!!! LOVE Y'ALLS!!!

Standing for what seemed to Adella, the longest four minutes of her life, she checked and rechecked the list in her mind. Her stepmother had told her that under no circumstance was she to vary from it in any way and Ella was certain she had not. She had left the house in a flurry that very morning to collect the ready orders, anxious to reach the vendors before the crowds did. With the ball and banquets and Lord knew what else happening, they had been particularly crowded. Like mosquitoes in the muggiest of muggy summers they swarmed in droves to the vendors with the most attractive produce and proceeded to bargain and haggle until everyone was angry with everyone else and spittle flew everywhere. She was certainly not opposed to visiting the markets, it was one of the more interesting chores her step-mother gave her, but she did abhor trying to squeeze through the throngs of unsuspecting farmers wives with their unruly brood underfoot. 

In her mind, over and over, she reviewed her path to and from the shopkeepers with her basket in hand. She knew she had gathered everything that was told to her and she couldn't imagine why the rouge or the shoes had been so wrong.
Jacqueline was very sensitive when it came to the size of her feet. She insisted she was two sizes smaller than she truly was. Adella was very careful to buy a size or two larger and paint over the offensive numbers that told of her small deceit situated at the sole of the offending article. She had done just that this time as well, so there should not have been any mistakes! How could this go so very wrong?

Regine billowed into the room, her skirts flapping behind her in the non-existent breeze.
"What have you done girl? How dare you sabotage my darlings!"
Grabbing Adella by the ear she turned smartly and dragged her down the long hallway.
She continued her ranting, never once stopping for air. "I have had just about all I can handle of your insolence and disobedience and I will not tolerate it any longer!"
Ella grabbed her step-mother's arm for support hoping to alleviate the sharp throbbing she felt as she was pulled along. It barely made any difference. Regina seemed on a mad rampage and there was nothing she could do but bear it until she calmed. This time however, it seemed that would not be happening in the near future. The stairs were before them and Ella thought for sure she would be let loose but no. With a grip of steel, the irate woman hauled the quaking girl down every single one of them.
"I swore I would be patient, for your father's sake, and I believe I have made good on that promise. "
At this Ella looked at her incredulously, tears streaming down her face from pain.
Huffing and literally pushing Ella down the stairs Regina had no intention of letting up. "God knows I have the patience of a saint but even He would not be tolerant of the like of you!"
The screaming and the noise had brought the household to the upper stairwell and looking up Ella saw them staring. Jacqueline sneered at her from over the railing, a look of superiority marring her averagely pretty features as her sister looked on wringing her hands in uncertainty. 

Suddenly, doors at the other end of the hall were flung open and someone rushed out and onto the stair's landing.
"Regina, that is enough! Let the child go!" The usually gentle tones of Ella's grandmother was laced with worry and bewilderment."You go too far!"
"No, mother!" Regina spat still dragging the poor girl down the winding steps. "For once, she will receive the punishment she so richly deserves."
Ignoring the pleas of her mother and the whimpering of her pathetic step-daughter, Regina continued to pull her into the lower half of the house.  The cellar, she recalled, was located at the bottom stairs leading into the kitchen. A cold, dark and dank place it was an unpleasant place at best, however, for her plans it was perfect.

Ella was viciously thrown into the small space.
"I expect very little from you Adella. I have given you everything you could ever want. Food, shelter, family, and even clothing have I provided for you betterment. Yet it seems, whenever I ask a simple task to be done, you somehow manage to bring about chaos. You deliberately sabotaged your step-sisters did you not?"
Ella , struggling to get to her feet, hastily replied, "No stepmother, I followed your instructions perfectly!"
Pure unadulterated rage passed over Regina's features. "Liar!"
"No, I am not step-mother! I have never lied to you!"

"Still you spout untruths to my face! I will not have it! I have been patient with you long enough. Your father would be ashamed of what a crude, deceiving, thankless daughter you have become!" 

Her stepmother turned away from her and began to pull close the grating that served as a door to the cellar.

Till her dying day, Ella never could fathom what possessed her to speak in that moment. Perhaps it was the slur on her father, or perhaps she had had her fill of the treatment she was subjected to. The reason for her words however, were not as relevant as the impact they had.

"My father would be proud of me!" 

Slowly her stepmother turned. "What did you say?"
"My father would be proud of me!" Ella repeated with more conviction. "He would be proud of the woman I am and if he were not he would never treat me with the neglect and dishonor you bring to this family."
Regina seemed rooted to the floor. Never had the little scullery maid dared speak back to her. The fact that she had suddenly snapped something inside the woman. Stepping back into the room  she raised her arm, bringing it across Ella's face with great force.

"You will be out of the house after these banquets are through...mark my words girl," Regina sneered, breathing heavily, "I will ensure it."

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