Unexpected News - Chapter 6

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The next few weeks were a trial. For Adela, who had only ever had herself and her father to worry about, taking care of three other people was exhausting. Her stepsisters were......an acquired taste. They flew into tantrums if there was a single hair out of place and the claimed that Florence, the maid, was insubordinate and stubborn so she was told to leave the house. Adela cried as did Florence but there was nothing they could do. Her father didn't see why she had such an attachment to the maid and ever agreed with her stepmother that since she had such an unnatural entanglement with a servant their separation was for the best. No new maid was engaged.

Jeanine and Francesca both insisted that Adela could very well do the things that Florence had in the past and most likely do them better. Adela was asked to help her stepsisters dress and beautify themselves in the mornings and in the evening, help them derobe. Personally, Ella couldn't see why they needed help getting dressed and undressed but she agreed to do what she could. Her mornings became increasingly busy until she has little to no time to herself.

Adela's stepmother spent hours in her room for no apparent reason other than to 'freshen up' or so she said. Her father did not seems unhappy though his face became more and more lined as time passed. Ella did everything she could to keep the look of despair from her father's eyes. If that included fastening buttons and tying up corsets for her stepsisters than so be it.

There were many incidents in the house that were unmentionable. For instance, the time Jeanine broke a favorite vase of Ella's mother. Her father's face became dangerously red and set and though her stepmother tried to excuse the mistake he didn't acknowledge her presence without the mood becoming sour for days afterwards. The atmosphere in the house was stifling and Adela began to wonder whether things were ever going to get any better.

With only two servants and herself working as the maid the house was not well managed and her father was noticing the disarray. Unfortunately, instead correcting the problem by hiring someone else he blamed the Cook and John, lashing out at them at the most unexpected of times. Adela didn't know what to do or think but she quietly took on as much household work as she possibly could to compensate for the lack of help. She thought that Francesca and Jeanine should have helped but they spent most of their days walking around the town and spending the allowance her father gave them each month. Her stepmother spent the day either languidly reading in her room or ordering the servants to clean the already spotless house from top to bottom.

One day, after dinner when the table had been cleared and everyone had left the dining room Adela's father spoke.

"Regina, children, I have something to tell you all."

Everyone dropped what they have been doing and looked at his expectantly.

"It seems that one of my trading networks in the East is failing. If it fails we will be substantially less financially secure than we are now."
"What?" Regina gasped. "Albert, how could this happen? You told me when we married there was nothing that could happen that would diminish our income."
"That is true dear but several of our network managers have mismanaged our financial records. We now have very few resources that haven't been lost to us. I feel the best course of action would be for me to travel there and help rebuild what we have lost."

"Father! You can't!" Adela gasped. "You can barely travel the distance from stepmothers town to our own. How could you travel so far without damaging your health?"

"Now, now Adela, you shouldn't worry about your father. I am sure he knows best about these sorts of things don't you? We will not be doing him any good by loosing heart now. We must bear with things and do our best on our own." Regina replied.
"But stepmother...." Adela began.

"Listen to your mother child. Do not make this any more difficult than it must be. This is something that can not be avoided and I feel we would deeply regret my decision if I did not go."

Jeanine and Francesca whispered in the background but made no effort to persuade their stepfather not to travel. Adela seemed the only one that really cared whether her father would be safe on this journey or not. She knew his health was not strong and she knew that even with the comforts of home he tired easily. What would he do out in the wilderness alone?
"Would you at least take John Father? He could be of so much help and I am sure we could find a young man to help us with the heavier chores and the carriage driving in the town."

Her father looked at her and his face become gentler as he considered her proposition. "I will think about it dear one. It could be a good thing for someone to come along with me. As you so aptly told me just a moment ago, I am not getting any younger." Adela saw the twinkle in his eyes as he said this. Unfortunately her stepmother did not.

"Oh don't speak nonsense Albert, you are perfectly young. I would never have married your if you have been as old as all that." Regina said haughtily.

Her father sighed and just like all the lines in his forehead were more prominent and he seemed older than his age. "Yes dear," he replied wearily.

In an instant the routine that Adela was nearly accustomed to changed again. She had more work to do as her stepsisters and stepmother all excused themselves from their part of the chores. They explained that they wished to spend all their time with their new father. When Adela tried to appeal to them saying she wished the time left to be with her father as well they called her selfish and inconsiderate.

"How stingy can you be?" Jeanine asked stomping her delicate foot beneath her enormous petticoats. "You have had him to yourself for years and years and we just came here. You should offer to do all of our work as a a matter or course."

"Yes, after all, you can see him anytime you like, after the chores are done. The faster you work the more likely you are to see more of your father." Francesca added looking down at Adela from where she stood on the stairs.

Adela sighed and hung her head. Arguing would do no good, she learned that very quickly. It was best to acquiesce and get the work done as fast as possible and though it was difficult not being with her father she did all she could to spend as much time as possible with his in the evening while her other family were in their rooms.

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