Chapter 4

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I was in my bedroom doing homework. Actually it's not a bedroom, it's the laundry room. There is a mattress in it. So I guess I could call it a bedroom. But to be honest, it can be comfortable at times. On really hot day, the fan is on in the laundry room. And on cold nights, I just take my warm blankets out of the dryer. And at least I have a window. There are thousands of thick spider webs across the ceiling. But I don't really mind that. Dust bunnies flood the floor. But I can always take care of that.
I was reading the story I was assigned for homework in English. I took a break from reading CINDERELLA so I could work on my poster. I pulled out a blank white board which was a good enough size. And I took out some markers I stole from my stepsisters and Began to write the title on the poster. CINDERELLA BOOK PROJECT.

I decided to take a break from reading the story. I ended on the part where Cinderella was told she couldn't attend the royal ball. Sound familiar?
After I made dessert for my stepfamily, I decided to just go to bed. My stepmother stays up all night doing work in the office. (Which I forget to organize, so that will be just one more thing Melinda will be yelling about.) my stepsisters are usually in their rooms, updating their status or whatever. And as for me, I just lay here in my room (laundry room) trying to get some sleep, while watching spiders crawl from ceiling to floor. The side of my face still kind of hurts from my stepmother. But I decided not to think about it. And I soon fell asleep.

"WAKE UP!" Josephine screamed in my face. "Do you WANT to be late?!"
I realized how late I slept in. I quickly threw on some torn jeans, a blue shirt, my untied sneakers, and my fathers jacket. I grabbed my bag and ran out to my bus. When I sat down, I looked out the window to see the chauffeur driving Clara and Josephine to school. "You almost missed the bus" a voice beside me said. I nearly fainted when I saw who was sitting next to me. My face went completely red. It was Jacob. His nice brown hair and his cute eyes overwhelmed me. "Are you talking to me?" I asked oddly. He laughed a bit. Oh my God, I am such a DORK! What kind of question was that! Come on Ellie don't make a fool out of yourself.
I laughed nervously. Then his smile turned to a concerned look. "What happened? Did you get into an accident?" I was a little confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. He stroked his hand at the side of my face. "You have a bruise" he replied.
Damn it! I forgot about that! I should've worn a hood or something. "I fell off my skateboard" I said. Jacob looked surprised. "You skateboard?" He asked. I nodded.

All right I know what your thinking, IM LYING. But what else am I going to say.
Oh nothing, I just got hit by my stepmother. NO!

"I wish I knew how to skateboard" Jacob said. "Maybe we could hang out, and you could teach me". I nodded. "Then it's deal!" He said enthusiastically. Crap! I thought. I don't even HAVE a skateboard. We arrived at school and he waved goodbye. "Meet me at the skateboard park tonight at five". I nodded once more. As I walked to class, I was thinking about how he touched my face. His hand was so soft. Usually when people touch your bruises, it stings. But it felt almost like it wasn't there when he stroked my face. I blushed again. And suddenly I fell forward. I looked back. It was a group of girls laughing. Well good MORNING to you TOO! I thought.
I walked into art class and I smiled. Lizzie was here. "Where the hell have you been?" I teased. "At home missing you" she said. Lizzie is amazing! We were friends since preschool. She has beautiful golden blonde hair. And she has awesome blue eyes. I told her everything that happened on the bus. "No way!" She said. "He talked to you!"
I tried to quiet her down. I didn't need everyone to hear. Then she lost her smile. I knew she was looking at the bruise. "I am sick of this!" She said sternly. "I'm seriously going to report this! Your stepmother has absolutely NO right to hit you." I shushed her. Lizzie knows what happens at my house. She even tired to contact the police. But I stopped her. If anyone would tell the police or an adult that I was being abused. My
stepmother would do something TERRIFYING! But I can't say it...

When lunch rolled around. Lizzie and I headed to the cafeteria. We past by Clara and Josephine. "Losers!" They said. Lizzie gave them the fist. We got our lunch and sat down at a table. Then a loudspeaker came on. It was the principal. "ATTENTION EVERYONE, PROM IS NEXT SATURDAY. SO PLEASE COME AND JOIN. ALL STUDENTS MAY ATTEND. THAT IS ALL.

Lizzie got all excited. "Let's go to prom!" I shook my head. "Why?" She asked disappointedly. "Who needs me to go?" I said. Lizzie looked heartbroken. She opened her mouth to say something but she changed her mind. "I'm going up to get a cookie. I'll buy you one too." Lizzie got up walked to the dessert court. I bit into my apple and I felt chocolate milk running down my shirt. I stood up quickly to find Josephine with a milk carton. Everyone laughed. Everyone except Lizzie. The hall monitor came up to me and started yelling. "You are a disgrace! This is high school! You don't pour your drink on you!" She pulled out her Walkie talkie and got a hold of a janitor. "Take your stuff and get yourself cleaned up!" She screamed. Clara snatched the cookies Lizzie bought and threw them at me. "Don't forget these!" She mocked.
I ran to the bathroom and cried. I took of my fathers jacket and used the hand dryer to dry it off. I stuffed it in my bag. And looked in the mirror. Tears were streaming down my face. "Who the HELL am I!?" I slammed my fist into the mirror. As the glass shattered onto the bathroom counter. Josephine was right behind me with a huge smirk on her face. "Why do you do this to me!" I screamed. Josephine laughed. "Because, your a loser and losers get punished!" I felt my face turn pure red. "Punished for WHAT!" I cried. Josephine was enjoying every minute of this. "For breaking the schools. property". I look over at the shattered mirror. And I fell to the floor crying. Josephine Pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of me, and leaves. I hear the bell ring. I wipe my tears and quickly run to my class.

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