Chapter 6

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I woke up. I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to just lay on my mattress and watch the spiders crawl. " You spiders are lucky. You don't have live the life I have to life. But it's funny, you spiders are treated poorly too. People see you and then run away, people step on you, people say bad things about you. And most people don't realize what good things you can do to help". A spider crawled on my arm. I smiled softly. "but I'm not afraid of you, you are gentle creatures". The spider crawled off my arm and rested on my mattress. I got up and got dressed. And I threw on my fathers jacket. I went out to the kitchen. The list of chores were on the fridge. And the list was longer than ever.
Holy crap that scared me. I ran out to the living room. Clara was jumping around the living room and a broom in her hand. She started slamming the broom on the floor. "GET IT OUT OF HERE NOW!" Clara was freaking out so much. I laughed a bit. When she saw me standing there, she screamed "GET THE SPIDER OUT ELLIE, GET IT OUT NOW! KILL IT!" I ran over to her and took the broom away. "Stop!" I yelled. "Your going to hurt him!" Clara pushed me to the floor. "Oh FORGET IT!" She screamed. "I'll take care it!" she lifted up her foot and slammed it on the spider. "Why did you do that!" I yelled. "It wasn't going hurt you!" Clara rolled her eyes at me. "Oh what, are you going to CRY about it?!" She teased. I ignored her and got my school stuff ready, and I threw on my fathers coat.

When the bus came I hopped on. After a while I heard a voice say. "You didn't show up" I looked over it was Jacob. "I was busy" I said. "What the hell happened to your eye!" He said shocked. I looked away. "Did someone hurt you?" He asked. I remembered what happened last night. I remember how scary it was. "Who hurt you?" He asked again. I didn't answer.

When I arrived to school I ran to my class. I could hear Jacob telling me to wait. I didn't look back. When I got to class I sat down and threw my head on the table. Lizzie came in five minutes later. I glanced up. She ran up to me. "What did they do to you THIS time?" I wish I could give her an answer, but so much happened lately, I couldn't think anymore. "Oh my God!" Lizzie cried out. "They hit you, they hurt you again!" I wanted to cry, but I couldn't even shed a tear. "I had ENOUGH of this!" She yelled. "I'm going to tell someone about this RIGHT now!" I shot up from my desk. "Don't you EVER tell anyone!" Lizzie was being serious though. "If no one stops this, your stepmother might kill you!" I really wanted to scream right at that moment. I don't want Lizzie telling people what happens at home. Because like I said, if my stepmother finds out, I will get the most terrifying punishment ever! "Lizzie, don't tell anyone. I'm serious!" I yelled back at her. "I'm just trying to PROTECT YOU! Is that such a BAD THING!" Lizzie yelled. I knew Lizzie was going to explode any second now. The whole class was staring at us. "Just SHUT UP!" I screamed back at her. "Just LEAVE ME ALONE!" Mrs. Conner , the art teacher walked right over to me and Lizzie. "You both are in BIG trouble" she yelled. She got on the phone and called the office.

Lizzie and I were both sitting in the principals office. Lizzie was so mad at me, she didn't even look at me. Which is fine by me. I was finished with her. The principal walked in and sat down at his desk. "Elizabeth, you may return to class. I honestly don't think you should be part of this." He said. Lizzie got up and left without saying a word. He turned his face toward me. "I'm sending you home early today, Ellie." Well I knew that wasn't an option because, 1: I don't have a ride home. And 2: even if I did have a ride home, I wouldn't know anyone who would take me. I told the principal about the
"Ride home" situation. He asked if I knew a trusted teacher. I told him I knew Miss. Davis very well. He called her and told her to take me home. I almost felt relieved. I know I feel safe with Miss. Davis. I waited out by the school doors. And a few minutes later Miss. Davis came. We got in her car and drove off.

"What's wrong sweet heart?" She asked. I look down at my untied shoes, not knowing what to say. "You can tell me anything." I felt a tear forming. "I don't think I can ever back home." I finally replied. Miss Davis took a deep breath. "Do you want me to drive you over to my place, and we can talk about it?" She asked. I nodded. Anyplace would be better than home.
We arrived at her house. Miss Davis lived in a small little house. It was surrounded by flowers and bushes. She had a brick path that lead up to the front porch. And in the center of the yard, was a small but elegant water fountain. Miss Davis invited me in her house. "Would you like some lemonade?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I usually don't get offered things. She poured a glass for me anyway. She then started making ham sandwiches. She put the sandwiches and lemonade on a tray. "Wanna talk out on the porch?" I nodded.

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