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XXVII. Cookies and a Promise

QATAR: October 2023


➥@LandoNorris: HEY! SHARE!

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@LandoNorris: HEY! SHARE!

    @oscarpiastri: don't be rude then

@McLaren: 👀

@angelmendoza: how sweet of your butterfly @LIVing

     @nathalie: just putting it out there huh

     @ameliamia: I mean it already is so... welcome @LIVing


Quali: Lando and Evie ushered Olivia inside the McLaren Garage. The two was shocked when they heard from Liv asking if they could help her be brought inside without being seen by the press and the fans.

It took them a while to think of ways but realizing they can take the back parts of the hospitalities; they finally reached the garage. Lando left the two girls in Oscar's driver's room. The Australian with his team already dressed in his overalls and was prepping. Lando had more than an hour to get changed back into his overalls (his fireproofs already under the shirt and sweatpants he wore to blend in when he helped Liv get in.)

Evie initially offered the girl to stay at the Redbulls, seeing that it would be safer because she wanted to surprise Oscar but she said she wanted to leave something in the driver's room.

As the reporter looked out for any sign of Oscar, the Australian placed the newly reheated cookies on the table and stuck a sticky note on top.

She smiled and hoped for the best. She knew that the drivers will be prepping and she had time to move to the booth where Zak invited her. The rest of the McLaren team already knowing that she would arrive (with the help of Lando keeping things hush hush.)

Once she was ready, Evie led her through and arrived where Zak was. "Olivia, nice to have met you in person." The CEO said with a smile. The girl shook his head before accepting the headsets that was being handed to her.

She stayed there, the reporter having to leave her to tend to her duties. She was accompanied by Zak and the rest of the engineers, they told her stories and how things worked. She learned a lot before the race started.

Olivia watched the screens, already getting the stats, she heard the radio checks. Her heart jumped hearing Oscar's voice, "Check, check." He said.

She couldn't help but smile as she kept her eyes on Oscar's on board camera. Hearing and seeing this live, this close was something else for Olivia. The fear that there was a possibility he could crash was real. But aside from that, she was beyond astonished and proud at how he was.

The way he would comment despite cursing in some moments, she was honored to have witnessed it all. So, when qualifying ended with him landing a P4 she turned to Zak.

"So, what do you think? You think you'll get used to it?" the CEO asked. She chuckled, "Should I get used to it?" she asked.

The man smiled at her, "You should. I think you would stay for a long time." He said. She looked at him confused which made him smile, "You wouldn't be here if you won't stay. Just do me a favor."

She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, "And that is?" she asked. The CEO smiled again, "Take care of him will you. You've been good to him."

"I promise."

After post quali interviews, he walked to his driver's room. He let out a breath, he was satisfied with his pace that quali that he did not notice them at first.

He set his gloves on the counter and moved his neck in circles. He was trying to get out of race mode. Be able to have a grasp on Oscar again. When he opened his eyes again, that's when he saw it.

The bright yellow sticky note. With furrowed eyebrows, he walked to the small side table by the couch. When he finally saw the handwriting, his heart felt like it would leap out of his chest.

His shaking hand moved to grab the note.

Hi Oscy!

Enjoy some cookies me and your nana made. She still hasn't given me the recipe though :(

Anyway, once you're settled, I'll be waiting for you by the paddock club with Thalie, I have something to tell you. See you Oscy.


Oscar have never grabbed something so fast. He had not ran out of his driver's room like he did now. He passed the team, confused but then realized when they saw him holding the same box that Liv was holding earlier.

So, they cleared the way for him to get to where the girl was. He was feeling exhilarated, as if he was getting ready for another race.

He rushed through the crowd, not caring about who he bumped into. He did apologize though, but he had one goal in mind; get to Olivia. 

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