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XXIII. Phoning Papa

AUSTRALIA: September 2023


Olivia sat on the ground, Ruru purring behind her as he rubbed his body on hers

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Olivia sat on the ground, Ruru purring behind her as he rubbed his body on hers. The cat was trying to get her attention but the blank canvas was catching her attention.

The cat decided on sitting beside his owner. He tilted his head at the canvas and meowed. The girl sighed and rubbed his head, making him purr.

"I don't know what to do Ru..." she muttered. The cat walked away, the girl thought that he had finally gotten enough of her not giving him attention.

She continued to stare at the canvas when she heard a crash. Standing up quickly she rushed where she had heard it. On the side table by her couch sat Ruru, he was staring at the mess he had made.

She let out a sigh, "Ruru." She scolded him and grabbed the tabby cat. He meowed and flicked her arm with his tail. He nuzzled into her, loving the attention, "Silly cat." She muttered.

The painter looked at the ground and she let out a groan. She walked to the kitchen and placed Ruru on the counter. He watched as his owner grabbed a broom, "Really Ruru? The one Oscar gave." She scolded him again.

The cat just meowed at her and she furrowed her eyebrows at him, she just let out a sigh and started to broom the glass as careful as possible. She didn't want to ruin the intricate design of the paper twirling art.

Once the glass was cleared and she knew she would not be injured, she crouched down and grabbed the artwork. She smiled as she remembered when Oscar gave her the gift. Sitting on to couch she brushed her fingers on the twirls and sighed. She had been thinking things over and she just needed that one last sign.

She always thought about things first and this was not an exception. She grabbed her phone and decided to call someone she always went for advice. Well, one of them, but still. At this point in the day, she knew he would answer.

Settling on the couch, she dialed his number, she had it memorized. It hasn't changed since she was a child.

It took only 3 rings before he answered, "Anak! Naunsa ka?" She smiled at hearing the voice of her father. "Okay ra dad..." she trailed.
(Translation: "My daughter! How are you?" "I'm okay dad.")

The father chuckled, "You don't sound like it. You don't sound like my anak, unsay naa sa imong huna-huna?" he asked again. Olivia sighed and hugged her knees, "I guess I'm just looking for a sign Papa."
(Translation: "...what's on your mind?")

"A sign for what anak? You have doing amazing there." He said and she knew that, she had been doing amazing. "But that's the thing Papa. It's so amazing, he's so amazing..."

The father couldn't help but chuckle, "Ah, imong jowa?" he asked. She huffed, "We like each other but he's not my boyfriend."
(Translation: "Oh, your boyfriend.")

"Well, what is he doing? I don't want you wasting time on someone who isn't even sure." He said. Olivia closed her eyes, "That's the thing Papa, I'm the one holding back." She admitted.

This moment in time, Ruru had found his way back to her and placed himself on her lap. She brushed her hand over her fur as she listened to her father sigh.

"I know what you're thinking, but just because ako ug imong mama, wala mi magkasinabot, mao usab ang mahitabo kanimo. Your story will be very different than ours." He started.
(Translation: " and your mom did not end up together, it will be the same for you.")

The father knew how scared of love his daughter was. She had jumped the gun when she entered a relationship with her ex, but after what happened with that, that seemed to have proved to her that love was nothing but a scam. That love was a waste of time.

But he knew it was different for everyone, of all the things he had taught her, this was always the sore subject. It was always questioned and set aside, but this time he knew he had to convince her.

"Listen anak, me and your mama-"

"Papa I've heard this before."

"I know you have. But the thing is anak, matigas ulo mo. Ayaw mo makinig. Yung nangyari samin, it's because we didn't take care of it. Love is fragile as much as it is sweet and beautiful, its something to take care off."
(Translation: "'re hard-headed. You don't listen. What happened to us...")

"And you and mama didn't?" Olivia asked. Her father chuckled, "We did, but we didn't take care of it enough." He admitted sadly.


"I know you're scared anak, but use this as a sign. Sultihan ko ikaw, sunda ang imong kasingkasing. Dili ka mahibal-an kung dili nimo sulayan."
(Translation: "I'm telling you, follow your heart. You will never know if you won't follow your heart.")

Once they said goodbye, she stayed there. Ruru purring, loving the attention he was being given. Her mind was processing what her father had said. Follow my heart? I wouldn't know if I didn't try?

Her thoughts were interrupted with a notification coming from her phone. Glancing at it, she realized it was a text.


She hummed and didn't realize she was smiling until Ruru meowed again

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She hummed and didn't realize she was smiling until Ruru meowed again. She looked down at him and chuckled, "Don't worry Ru, I will always love you." The cat stared at her, as if sending her a judging look and she smiled and kissed his head. "I know what you're thinking. But you love him as well. Just as much I do I think."

And that was it, for the first time ever. Olivia had admitted she loves Oscar. Given it was to her cat, but who else would she say it to at that moment?

Ruru looked at her, as reading her mind, he tilted his head, an obvious look as if telling her she knew the answer, and she did. She knew, she had to admit it, to the actual person she should tell it to. Oscar.

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