Prologue. Two on the roof

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It was the night time somewhere at the western district of a city. The streets were busy with people, who were going their own ways, without paying any attention to beings around them. Cars were racing through the roads, lit by the streetlights. Crowds of people of all ages near night clubs, pubs and bars. Everyone was having time of their lives and atmosphere of liberty and drive filled the air.

A colossal, partially constructed edifice loomed silently several blocks away from the western district's center. It was left like that about 5 or 6 years ago and was quite popular with stalkers of all ages.

* * *

???: I was one of them

???: So, did you try to climb there?

???: No, not exactly... It would be too easy just to conquer the top...

* * *

*Events took place in the past*

A spot 60 meters above the ground: lots of neglected building materials everywhere, coils of cabels covered with dust, as compared to the lower stories, this part of the old building was barely started, when the project was stopped. It was deadly quiet around, excepting the wind, which was whistling through gaps between concrete columns.

???: Oh fuck! What asshole put that armature in here?! My leg!

???: *Whispering* Evan! Calm down already, I know, that it's impossible to spot us, when we are at enough height, but still, keep quiet!

Evan: I'm calm, Dan. I just don't understand, why this fucking piece of metal is put here and scratch my legs!

Dan: Is your leg okay? Have you damaged it?

Evan: I'm ok, just a scar... Well, let's go check the equipment.

Dan: Sure

The two made their way through the darkness and went to the higher spot. A metal frame at the end of the radio tower, which was used as a jumping spot was their final destination. Dan looked around, took off his backpack and put it nearby.

Dan: Well, let's check walkie-talkies...

They both took their own devices and checked the connection.

Dan: Everything alright. What about the camera?

Evan: Give me a few minutes.

The guy opened his own backpack and took a Go Pro portable camera out of it. He turned it on and made several test records

Evan: One, two, three. Hello everyone. Ok, my part is Ok as well, Dan. Let's prepare the jumping spot.

Dan: You go the first, I'll be after you.

Evan: Ok

Evan climbed higher and higher, he finally reached his destination, the tower's ladder entrance. After 5 minutes of climbing he was on the top. Dan arrived a few minutes later.
The wind was stronger here, on the hight of 75 meters or more. Evan sighed and chuckled, observing the view.

Evan: Damn, it's fucking amazing! I can swear, I feel this night will be an extreme one for sure!

Dan: *Panting after climbing* Wow, I've almost forgotten, how breathtaking this place is... It's been six months, right, Ev?

Evan: Something like that, I hope, the wind will be more suitable for flying, I don't wanna die today *smiles*

Evan came closer to the edge, took a cigarette and started smoking. He looked somewhere far away, being in thoughts. Dan gazed at his friend and sighed. Evan had quite a common appearance: quite overgrown fair hair showed from under his helmet. He had an athletic body, as he used to train every day in order to keep strong enough to parkour. He wore tight pants and dark sweatshirt. Dan moved his sight back to city streets under the two. Something wrong, corrupted could be seen in his eyes. He got pale and sweated slightly. Dan came closer to Evan and touched his shoulder, it was obvious he wanted to start a conversation one way or another, something was bothering him greatly.

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