Ch 6. Oh shit!

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The whole office was filled with smoke and dust from the destruction in a moment. Wall of the meeting room was demolished completely, lots of glass shards everywhere, broken furniture and debris. Evan coughed and stood up. He still heard ringing in his ears and his vision was blurry. He heard voices from somewhere:

???: Moxxie, take the guns! Millie, prepare to fight! Evan... Where's Evan?

Evan: *Cough* Oh shit... I'm over here! Blitz is that you?

Blitzo: Yes it's me! M&M are here!

Evan: What the fuck is going on?!

Blitzo: That must be what I told you about... VAS sent another "message"...

Evan: Almost the whole office is demolished. What a great start of a career!

Blitzo: We are used to it... A wall or a window... but A WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING OFFICE! VAS must be taught a lesson or two!

A door quickly opened and Loona's voice sounded:

Loona: What's going on? ARE WE BEING FUCKING BOMBARDED?!

Blitzo: Loony! Prepare to fight and take the b...

He couldn't finish.

???: Sorry to interrupt you... but no one of you will leave this room...

Footsteps were heard from the spot where the meeting room used to be before. A silhouette of a man could be seen.

Stranger wore a special device which helped him to see through the smoke.

???: *mumbling* One, two, three, four, five...So, the whole squad is here... and another hellhound? One of them must have the book... which hellhound?

Suddenly a loud clicking noise filled the room. The enemy must have jerked a shutter. The weapon he held was a rifle. A sharp harpoon connected with the body of a gun by a chain was used as an ammunition. The stranger aimed  an shot.

No one could see who was his target. In a moment Evan heard the sound of something rapidly approaching him.

Evan: *thinking* Oh shit! He must have shot at me!

He felt something unusual again, like that time when Blitzo tried to shoot him before. The time seemed to go slower. He tumbled backwards and dodged the harpoon successfully.

???: What the fu...

Bullet flew near his head. It was Blitzo.

Blitzo: Loona! He's gonna take the book! Take it and get out of here!

Loona: Gotcha!

Blitzo: We'll take care of this mess! Evan, are you ready for your first kill?

Evan cracked his fingers.

Evan: I'll do my best, Blitz!

He took a fighting position, every muscle in his body was tense to its limit. Evan noticed that he was growling quietly.

Evan: *thinking* Wow, like a real dog...

M&M also prepared for a fight. Moxxie took a shotgun while Millie held her favorite axe.

Blitzo: Cmon, only one shooter... We can't loose to a sucker like...

A photo behind him was broken by a bullet. More footsteps approached.

Blitzo: Damn it!

Moxxie: How's that even possible?! We're on the third floor!

???: VAS can provide best technologies to its employees... It will be too easy...

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