Ch 2. A newcomer

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Evan felt light headed, as he kept falling somewhere at the same time. When his vision came to normal, he tried to orient. This time he could see the surroundings and the ground, which was approaching dramatically fast. Evan felt he could land safely, so he took a special pose in the air and made it on his two successfully. He expected it to be the painful experience, especially after the events, which happened before. That's why he felt pretty surprised, when understood, everything was ok.

Evan: How is that possible? The height must have been 6 meters or more... Woah... What is that place?

Evan looked around and his eyes widened. A memory of his conversation with Lahabiel appeared in his head.

Evan: Damn it... He told, he was angel... And it was judgment... Everything around, it almost completely consists of red and crimson color palette. Does that mean... Am I in Hell right now?!

He looked on his right an saw a big banner with title on it: "Welcome to Hell!" Evan's face took an annoyed expression. Now that was obvious: Lahabiel sent him to Hell.

Evan: But why Hell?! Is it fair after all the difficulties I had to endure!? God damn it!

Evan slammed his fist over the ground, leaving a small dent after his strike. That was the moment, when he noticed, something was strange.

Evan: Wait a second... what's wrong with my hand? Are they claws on the end of my fingers?! *gasped* Wait, it's covered with... FUR?!

He looked at his hands, then at his legs, which had sharp claws as well and finally, when he felt something behind him, Evan realized, that he turned into an animal-like creature.
Evan touched the upper part of his head and felt a pair of pointed canine-like ears.

Evan: What the fuck is that?! Am I a wolf or a dog now?

Evan then noticed, that he wore the clothes, which he had before death. The puzzle started to complete: He died, met an angel and the one sent him here, to Hell, where he turned into a wolf-like creature...

Evan: *growls slightly* Well, I got in a REAL shit this time...

After he came up with such a result, Evan finally decided to examine the area properly, trying to catch every little detail. After 10 minutes of exploration, Evan realized, that his senses became much sharper, it must have been the ability of his new body. Hell, which Evan saw, looked like a dystopian city, with everything colored various tones of red, with the scent of blood in the air, with the dark sky, which had no Sun or Moon on it. Evan winced. All in all, that new location was completely different from the one, which was described to people in Bible. On the other hand, Hell had a lot in common with the living realm.

Evan made his way along the sidewalk, thinking, what to do next.

Evan: *thinking* If this new area is so similar to the living world, then I'll have to survive here... I have to start everything over...

Evan looked through his pockets and found only one thing: his phone, which looked a little different from the previous one. Evan turned it on and tried to use the navigator.

Evan: But where the fuck should I go?!

He turned off his phone, as realized, that he had to save the battery charge. Evan kept going and noticed, how deserted the streets were. The district, which he was was going through, seemed to be abandoned: destroyed buildings here and there, closed shops with boarded up doors and windows, broken streetlights. After 20 minutes of walking, Evan left that part of the city and noticed the streets were getting much busier.

Sidewalks were now filled with various beings walking around. There were red skinned creatures with tails and horns, which must have been imps, wolf-like creatures of different species, which Evan called werewolves for now (He soon realized, that he turned into one of those "werewolves") and some other freaks.

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