Ch 11. First Mission

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After Evan and Loona had joined VAS, a couple of days passed. Nothing really interesting happened during that time. Loona spent most of her time with her phone, chatting with Octavia from time to time and just doom scrolling while Evan was wandering around the city for hours, sedentary lifestyle wasn't his cup of tea, that's for sure.

One night Evan stayed up and decided to have a "walk". He opened the balcony's door and felt flow of cool air coming inside. He smiled and stepped onto the balcony, climbed onto its railing pretty fast, then jumped and grabbed the top balcony's railing. After repeating the same action several times in a row, he finally made it to the rooftop. The roof looked rather abandoned. Obviously, no one visited it for years, only some TV antennas stuck out like very skinny hands. Evan sat on the edge and looked around, surprised by his surroundings, then noticed some building on his right. It was the same height as the one he was standing on. An idea came up quite quickly. After a moment he ran and jumped onto its roof, despite the fact distance between buildings was a serious one.

Evan: *thinking* That was pretty easy... I could never do that when was alive...

Evan continued his way, jumping from one building onto another again and again. The oncoming air was ruffling his fur and some tiny demons in the streets reminded him, how high he was. Evan jumped one more time and grabbed the ledge, which protruded from the wall. This time he had to bounce off the walls of nearby buildings. When on the top, he took his phone and checked the time. It was 2:30 am so he decided to parkour for one more hour or so.

Even though he enjoyed the process, Evan missed his home, he had things which made him happy there. His channel, some acquaintances and his flat, full of his favorite stuff. That's all... Not too much but still he liked it. If only he had a chance to visit the living realm again. Evan knew his only opportunity to do that was Loona and her grimoire but it was obvious she would never give him the book. For now the way to his previous life was closed completely.
He grabbed the metal ladder and pulled himself up. The ladder creaked and suddenly fell apart, making Evan lose his grip. 

The hellhound fell from rather big height. He landed almost successfully, despite being scratched by some random obstacles while falling. He was on the ground when asked himself:

Evan: What's happened? What am I doing here?..

This question echoed inside his head. Although more than a week passed, Evan couldn't completely accept the fact that he died. Everything looked like a nightmare which was about to end at any second but nothing happened. However, things just kept going their way and deep inside Evan knew that nothing would be back as he had passed through same shit before.

Evan: *thinking* I'm dead... and I can't come back home... I'm not even a human anymore. I'm a... *aloud* GOD DAMN IT DEMON!

He kicked the trash bucket nearby, leaving a dent on it and sending it flying across the lane he was sitting in.

Evan: *thinking* I can't live normal life any more... That's fucking obvious. Now I'm stuck here, in the world of chaos, world of sinners...

Some shooting sounds in the distance seemed to confirm his thoughts. Hell wasn't easy to get used to it, of course. It's awful to lose everything you had in one go and start over, especially if the world around you is like that. Evan was sitting in the lane for some time with his back against the wall. He knew that he got to do something.

Evan: *thinking* I can't come back. I can't do that! Understand that already!
I can't just live every day of my new life complaining about my unfair fate. That's the way of things to go... You've been through some shit before, you have to come through this one as well!

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