Time skip

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Since the last part there's been a time skip of 3 months since the Toomes incident.

Pepper awakes to the sound Jarvis alerting her that Peter is awake and moving around in the crib. She glances over at her nightstand and sees the clock says 7:05am. She doesn't hear Peter crying so she takes a second to just stretch and wake up. She glances over and Tony is sleeping peacefully so she quietly gets out of bed and heads to Peter's attached room.
"Good morning baby boy, how's my boy? I hope you had good dreams" pepper says to him as she approaches the crib.
Once she approaches the crib she's greeted with a smile and babbling of Peter. He begins reaching for her and grunting in frustration that he can't sit up to get her.  She bends over and picks him up and he snuggles close letting out a sigh in relief. She makes her way to the changing table and gets his diaper changed before making her way into the closet to get him ready for the day. Since the accident they have set up his closet to have adaptive clothing to make it easier to dress him as he is working on regaining motor skills and movements. Once she has a cute outfit ready she places him back on the table to his dismay and gets him ready for the day.  As they finish up getting ready he starts sucking on his fist and signing for milk. While his speech hasn't completely returned he has been able to learn the sign for "more, milk, dad, mom". Which has been helpful for when he's upset they can try to fix it quick. Pepper picks him up and he starts pulling at her shirt signaling he wants milk. Since the accident Peter has rooted for milk when he's upset and hungry but doesn't understand that Pepper isn't breastfeeding him that his milk doesn't come from her.  With that pepper takes Peter into the kitchen where Jarvis has a bottle prepared as well as coffee for both tony and pepper. She places Peter in his stroller much to his dismay so she can carry their coffees back to the room. Once they get back to the master suite she sets the drinks out of the way and gets Peter out and onto the bed with her to drink his bottle. Tony is still asleep but as she settles Peter he begins to get upset and decides he wants his dada instead of milk. Pepper lays him on the bed and he's able to reach over and playfully smack Tony's arm over and over while mumbling dada over and over. After a few seconds Tony wakes up and gathers what's going on so he rolls over and to Peter's delight he shrieks and giggles dada.  "Good morning underoos, aren't you a happy boy today" Tony says as Peter is trying to move closer to him but is unsuccessful. Tony sees that he's getting upset so to avoid a meltdown sits up and pulls Peter closer to him. Peter instantly settles with Tony and has his head against his shoulder. "You feeling okay underoos? You're awfully snuggly this morning big guy." "Honey he seemed fine when he got up and was happy I'm sure he's okay." Pepper mentioned to him. Ever since the accident Tony has become even more hyper aware of Peter and his routines/habits. Tony asks Jarvis "can you let me know Peter's vitals and sleep patterns for last night from the time we were with him last to him waking up?"
It appears that master Peter was asleep after you last placed him back to bed at 3:30am until 5:30am when he was startled awake by what appears to be a bad dream. He then mumbled a bit then calmed himself down where he laid still until I alerted miss potts that he was moving around attempting to roll over."
Tony looks at pepper and then Peter then asks Jarvis to play the clip. It shows Peter just as Jarvis said laying in the crib and startling awake then whimpering some. He was saying dada repeatedly for a few seconds then once he found his stuffed iron man he settled back down just snuggling it while he laid there. "Jarvis next time this happens and he's asking for one of us please alert us and not let him lay there for so long even if he's calm" said Tony. Tony then looks back down to Peter who has one hand on Tony's arc and the other in his mouth. Pepper attempts to take Peter to feed him before he gets upset and snuggles closer to Tony.

"Alright baby it's okay you don't have to move I'll give dada the bottle so he can feed you" pepper passes the bottle over to Tony who readjusts Peter so he can start eating.

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