Team Dinner

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They spend the hour just enjoying each other's presence without any chaos. Peter stays awake ends up laying on Pepper's chest before the time is up. He's being rather cuddly today and they both love those days with their boy.  Jarvis alerts that the rest of the team is due to arrive via Quinjet in about 10 minutes. So they get up and get Peter changed and Tony gets dressed into something not business attire. Tony takes Peter and his stuffy to the kitchen while pepper goes to change clothes.

Once they arrive in the kitchen they see Nat and Clint finishing up dinner and see the dining room table has been set. Tony stops for a second and thinks about what to do with Peter while he preps his puree. Nat can see him thinking so she offers to hold Peter. At first he won't go to her but with some reassurance from Tony that he isn't leaving then he goes to her. Nat stands close to Tony so Peter can watch. Once Peter sees the bananas and apples that are laid next to the cutting board he starts squirming and babbling. Nat chuckles at his reaction. "Daddy is getting your dinner ready. Do you like apples and bananas?" Peter keeps babbling and is getting frustrated that his food is right there but he can't have it. Clint then comes over with a little mesh thing in his hand.
Clint pov:
"Hey tones, I remember Nathaniel using something like this when he was trying foods. So I grabbed one for spidey, you can place a piece of fruit in here and he can chew on it and still taste it with choking on it."

Tony pov:
"That's a neat idea Clint, I wonder if Peter will use it. The chewing foods is something he can't really do yet. I wonder if he'd like this? It could help his hand eye coordination too."

Tony finishes putting the cut up fruit pieces into the baby food machine and starts it. It'll take a few minutes to process. He cuts up a remaining banana and puts it into the mesh thing Clint gave him. Nat still has Peter who at the point is wanting down. Knowing he can't sit up well she's afraid to put him down and just settles with his squirming. Once Tony is finished he grabs Peter from Nat. He puts him into his high chair and pepper walks in. Tony explains what he's about to try so she stops to sit and watch.  He hands him the mesh thing and takes a seat next to Peter.
It takes Peter a minute to figure it out and what it's for. He looks to his mom and dad for reassurance. Pepper reaches over and puts it near his mouth. Once he realizes what to do he places it in his mouth and starts chewing on it. At he first he gags but he quickly stops when he tastes the banana. He squeals and smiles as he looks to his parents as they smile at his happiness. Peter continues to chew and panics slightly when he feels a little bit in his mouth but he's able to easily swallow it.
During his fun time of this the rest of the team arrives: Rhodey, Bruce, Sam, Steve. Thor was off world and Bucky was in Wakanda working with Shuri on his arm.  Tony stands up to greet everyone while Pepper keeps an eye on Peter. After their greetings everyone heads into the dining room to say hi to Pepper and Peter who is now playing with the mesh thing and smacking it off the tray of his seat happily.

They had into the kitchen to get their plates of dinner. They decided on a taco bar so it's set up buffet style in the kitchen. Tony and Pepper both stop unsure of who should go first. Sam is the first one back in the room and tells them both to go and that he'll watch Peter. Sam sits next to Peter and starts to talk to him. At first Peter is unsure but instantly warms up to Sam. Sam surprises him with a rattle like toy that looks like the iron man helmet. At that Peter grabs it and babbles dada  to Sam.  Sam chuckles and continues to eat while interacting with Peter.
Pepper and Tony return a few minutes later and sit next to each other on Peter's other side.  They both begin eating and Peter is fine playing. About halfway through dinner he begins to get fussy. Tony stops eating and begins to get up when Sam stops him.
Sam pov:
"Hey man, sit down and eat. I just finished, let me take care of spider baby. You and Pep need to eat."
Bruce walks back in with the bowl of Peter's fresh puree and a bib. He places the bib on Peter and takes the mesh thing away. When he steps to the side Sam begins feeding him. Peter doesn't hesitate at this point. He starts humming and smacking his lips. Sam giggles at his eagerness and begins feeding him. Peter makes it through the bowl and Sam cleans him up with no issues. At that Peter starts squirming in his seat and becomes frustrated as Sam walks away to put his stuff in the sink. Pepper goes to get up but Clint tells her to sit down and eat.
"Pep please sit and finish dinner. There are enough of us here please let us help. You both do so much but take some time for you right now and eat without feeling rushed."
Clint takes Peter out of his seat and he can tell he's wet. Clint tells them he's going to go change him which he does without any issues. They return to the dining room to see those still eating finishing up while the others are cleaning up the kitchen.  Peter plays with Clint's shirt as he carries him into the dining room. They find Pepper just staring off into space and startles slightly when she hears Clint call to her.
"Hey baby, how's my boy? You're all fed and clean and my happy boy. Peter momma loves you so much."
At that Peter reaches for Pepper and it's the first time in a few hours she's held him. She didn't realize until he snuggled into her neck that he missed her as much as she missed him.  Clint walks away and leaves them have a moment. Peter has quieted down still hasn't babbled as much today as normal. She thinks of asking Tony about it when she hears Rhodey tell Tony that Peter seems quieter than normal.  Tony tells them he recognized that too and hopes that it's nothing. Telling them he's been quiet since the appointment with Dr Cho. Tony updates them on the appointment and Dr Cho had said. They didn't expect much else but it's still hard to process.
While he explains that Pepper walks off with Peter to the living room so he doesn't hear it and she doesn't hear it again. It's something she's still struggling with and doesn't need to replay the conversation.

She settles onto the couch with Peter who has been up for so long she's surprised he's not fussing yet. This is probably one of his longest wake windows he's had since the accident.  She props her feet up onto the coffee table in front of her. Then she moves Peter where his back is leaned against her legs, his bottom is on her lower belly while his legs hang next to her sides.  At first he startles but once he realizes he isn't falling he stops and just looks around. Pepper takes his hands in hers and talks to him. There's something about her voice that relaxes him and puts him at ease. They stay that way for a few minutes before Tony approaches them. She can tell he's been crying as his eyes are red. Her only guess is that once he explained the news to the team he broke and they comforted him. 

He tells her the team decided to stay on the avengers floor for the night and asked if they could have a cookout tomorrow at the compound so they can all enjoy the outdoors without the press or crowds. With that Peter begins to fuss as he sees dada but he hasn't picked him up yet. Tony then picks him up and shushes him as he bounces him. Pepper comments that he hasn't been asleep and he's beyond exhausted but he wouldn't sleep but just sat quietly. Tony helps Pepper up and they head up to the nursery. Pepper heads to the shower in the master suite while Tony takes Peter into his on suite and gives him a bath. They finish around the time that pepper is done so she takes Peter so Tony can shower.  As Tony is finishing up his shower he hears Peter begin to cry. By the time he's in his boxers and out to check on them he sees Peter crying while nursing. He eventually breaks the latch and just cries. It's not his usual cry though is what worries Tony. It's his in pain cry and something is wrong. Tony gets him off Pepper and lays him on the bed. He takes his pajamas off him so he's left in a diaper. He begins looking over him for any spots of concern. As Tony goes to turn Peter's head to look at his neck his cries become louder.
"Hey bubba it's okay. Dadas trying to figure it out underoos. What's bothering you buddy?"

He brushes his hand over Peter's head and notices it feels warm. He has Pepper grab the thermometer and he checks his temperature which is 102.5. Pepper returns from the bathroom with a cool rag. Tony continues to check over Peter he tries to move his neck again and his cries increase. Tony asks Jarvis for Dr. Cho to come up to their level and to pass on Peter's info. He's afraid to move him in case something is seriously wrong.

Within about 5 minutes Dr. Cho is in their room with her bag of supplies tending to Peter as he lays still crying. She does the same thing Tony did and once she nears his neck region she doesn't try to move him but feels it. She notices his one side is swollen around his glands. She checks both ears and is able to see the back of his throat as he cries.
Dr. Cho:
Well good news is that it's nothing major. Bad news is this little guy has an ear infection. Hence his swelling in his glands on that side and he's not wanting to eat. It's not that he's hungry but the pain of swallowing is what more than likely started him. Good news is with his quick healing I bet by tomorrow night he'll be fine. Until then let's stick with his pain medicine and a high power antibiotic. By dinner tomorrow he'll be back to his happy self.

"That explains why he was so quiet today. Poor guy wasn't feeling well."

Dr. Cho:
"Don't feel bad guys, this happens in kids. Ear infections come out of nowhere and with him not able to communicate as well it's harder. Usually it could take a week for him to feel better but thankfully he has his healing so with it the protein formula and breast milk that makes it to where he only needs a few doses of antibiotic's and by tomorrow at this time it will clear up. Just give him the meds and keep him comfortable. No flying today or tomorrow keep him grounded so the pressures not mess with his ears."

At that Dr. Cho leaves them once giving Peter his medicines and he isn't due for those until 2am. She leaves them behind with the instructions. She lets them know that'll he'll probably sleep better upright due to ear pressure.

Pepper realizes that nursing won't work because of his neck hurting. She pumps enough milk to fill a few bottles.  She takes one back to the room and hands it to Tony. Peter eagerly latches on and he's gripping Tony's hand around the bottle tight in fear he's going to take it. 
Tony reminds him he's okay and he's not taking it and hums to calm him down.

Peter finishes it rather quickly and Tony is surprised he's full. Pepper lets him know she added the protein powder. So that explains him being full. Peter settles against Tony's chest and falls asleep. Tony props himself up in their bed as Pepper cuddles close. They both hope that Peter can rest and have a calm night. Tony asks Jarvis to wake him at 1:50 so he can get Peter's meds in him to keep his pain and fever down.

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