Meeting mishap

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Peter falls asleep while snuggling as a family on the couch. Tony takes him to the master suite and places him in his cot at the end of their bed. Tony returns to the living room to find Pepper on her Stark pad working on things. He takes it out of her hands and straddles her lap.
"No more work, I missed you's my time now before spider baby wakes up."
Pepper chuckles at Tony's antics and kisses him slow and sweet before he picks up the pace... (let your imagination fill in the blanks).

After their fun they both clean up in the shower and head to the kitchen to discuss the next day's plans.  Tony has avengers meetings again and Pepper needs to be at SI. They decide to split the day between them so he is safe and not with a stranger.

Jarvis alerts that Peter is showing signs of distress from a nightmare. They both make it to their room and at this point Peter is awake and crying. Tony reaches him first and he's sobbing while saying dada over and over. Tony lays him down to change his diaper which upsets Peter but he's quick to finish and hold him again. Peter doesn't loosen his grip on Tony but does calm down. He's got one hand on Tony's arc reactor and the other is playing with Tony's beard. Both actions are soothing to Peter and often ground him when upset knowing his dada is really there and the dream is over.
Pepper returns from changing into her pajamas and he reaches for her. Peter becomes upset as Tony walks away. She assures him that he's only changing then he'll be right back. Pepper settles into their bed with Peter on her chest humming to him. He begins rooting so she strips her shirt and his and he settles against her. She asks him if he wants milk and he says no. Right now he just wants to comfort of nursing. She dry nurses him for a few minutes one hand stroking his brown curls when Tony returns.
"It's amazing how fast this calms him down. He's okay with not getting milk, the amount of
Comfort he is getting is surprising."
"Surprisingly it doesn't hurt, he is so gentle with his latch and is just craving the closeness. At first I thought it would be weird but it actually calms me down too. I like the closeness and knowing he's safe. It's almost grounding for me, the anxiety and fear of something going wrong just gets overwhelming sometimes."
"Honey, if this is working for both of you then continue to do it. I'll support you if you decide the dry nursing or if you want to start lactation supplements we can. I'll support you either way. As long as you both are happy and healthy then that's all I need".
Tony begins to rub his hand up and down Peter's back as he still dry nurses. He notices how relaxed Peter is but he hasn't fallen asleep yet. He is just laying there content. Peter breaks the latch and looks back to Tony saying dada. Pepper shifts him over to lay with Tony while she covers up. Tony is shirtless so Peter snuggles up to the arc. They remind him they can snuggle but he can't sleep in their bed. Since it's just before midnight and Peter isn't looking to sleep they decide on a movie in bed. Hoping he'll fall asleep soon. Pepper snuggles into Tony's side close to both her boys.
Fast forward the movie is over. Peter is asleep and pepper is asleep. Tony slightly moves away from her so he can put Peter in the cot. He's successful at putting Peter down and lays back down in bed. Pepper begins mumbling in her sleep and reaches for where Peter was earlier. Tony wakes her up gently and she instantly clings to him and starts crying. Explaining to Tony her dream and how someone took Peter away. After some assurances and her seeing Peter in his cot and Tony having Jarvis confirm security measures they both drifted off to sleep. Not to be disturbed until 6:30am when a very upset Peter woke up hungry. Since he slept through the night he missed his 2am bottle and with his metabolism that's like missing a days worth of food for a normal person.

They were startled awake with his cries and while pepper got a bottle Tony changed his diaper and stripped his clothes off. He started humming in hopes it would settle him down. Pepper returns with two bottles and sits on the bed next to Tony to feed him. He eagerly latches onto the bottle that Tony rubs across his lips and starts drinking quick. Tony gets him to slow down and they both talk to him quietly while pepper runs her fingers through his curls. Once the bottle is empty Tony props him up to burp him with thankfully no spit up. He's still smacking his lips so they offer the second bottle to him. He drinks part of it before he begins playing with his bottle/milk. Something he's recently started doing. Tony takes the bottle away which solicits some cries but they remind him he can't play. They try again and he drinks a little bit before stopping. He burps for a second time then starts to chew on his hand. Pepper places his pacifier to his mouth which he accepts. Tony lays him on the bed and shows pepper his improvement on his therapy exercises and the new ones they added yesterday. To see his growth it is very exciting after all he's been through. Pepper and Tony take turns getting dressed for the day before they both get Peter ready.

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