Peter on the go

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Pepper is currently in her office in the tower. The avengers are on a mission so the Starks packed up and went to the tower for a few days.  While pepper is in her office a few floors down, Tony is with Peter in the penthouse. Tony is working on signing documents via his stark pad so he can stay with Peter. Peter had been in his walker for a few minutes zooming around the living room babbling away. Tony didn't notice it but Peter had been signing mom and milk over and over. Tony was on a phone call and didn't get to see what the spider baby was up to.
Peter was getting upset that even with signing Pepper never came in the room. So he went near the elevator in his walker and kept ramming it against the door. Jarvis opened the door, "what do you need, Peter?" Peter then started yelling mama over and over. At that the door to the elevator shut and it began to descend.

Thankfully since his accident, Pepper had moved her office to a floor where she was alone. That way she had privacy for when Tony brought Peter down to her without other employees seeing him.  When the door open Jarvis informed Peter that mama was on this floor. Peter used his walker and was walking around mumbling mama.  Peter was upset he couldn't find Pepper and began to cry. While he was crying Jarvis told Pepper of Peter's current state and she was able to find him quickly.

Pepper pov:
"Hey baby, where's daddy? What are you doing down here, honey?"  As Peter just kept crying so Pepper picked him up and asked Jarvis what happened. Jarvis explained to her what happened. She took Peter back to her office and sat down at her desk with him.  Pepper unbuttoned her blouse and laid his head against her skin. He finally started to calm down and began rooting. She adjusted herself and began feeding him as he had a tight grip on her shirt and didn't want to lose that contact. 
While feeding Peter, Tony came down frazzled that he couldn't find Peter and didn't think to ask Jarvis where he was. Jarvis explained to both of them what happened and how Peter ended up where he did. Once he was done feeding he was yawning and started to fall asleep.  Pepper takes him over to the cot in her office and places him down without a fight.
Tony was sitting there shell shocked at how that situation went down and what led Peter to being in her office. Pepper helps calms him down.
Peter doesn't sleep for long before he's startled awake from a bad dream.  Pepper is quick to get him as Tony has fell asleep on the couch. Pepper takes him back to the couch and the 3 of them snuggle together. Pepper reminds Jarvis that unless it's an emergency to not let Peter use the elevator alone again. With that they enjoy the quiet snuggles after a weird afternoon.

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