Compound time 2

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It's 10pm by the time Tony and Pepper are done showering. Peter fell asleep before eating so she takes time to pump to relieve the pressure. It's very nice to have the new set up. She preps the bottles and the warmer for when he needs to feed in the middle of the night because her supply won't likely be back to enough to satisfy his hunger.

She climbs into bed and tells Tony everything is ready for later. They drift off to sleep until 3:30am when Peter begins to stir. Tony awakens first and slips out of bed to get Peter before he wakes up Pepper. With her pumping more he's been trying to help out and feed when he can to let her sleep.
Tony takes him into his nursery and sets up a bottle of milk in the warmer to get warm while he changes his diaper.  Peter is pretty quiet throughout that and is happy to see the bottle in Tony's hand. He takes him to the oversized chair and feeds him with no issues. He burps and then lays curled into Tony's chest. As Tony gets up to put him down he gets fussy. Tony decides to stay seated and grabs the iron man blanket from the back of the chair. He covers them up and reclines the chair back then they are both asleep.

Pepper wakes up at 7:30 and rolls over to snuggle with Tony. She finds him not there and looks up to the cot to see Peter is gone as well. Before she has a chance to panic Jarvis informs her that they are in the nursery. Pepper gets up and heads to the nursery to find her boys fast asleep in the chair. She moves to the closet to get an outfit out for Peter for the day and a diaper ready for when he wakes up. She checks and they are still asleep so she goes to shower and gets ready for the day.

It's closer to 8 when she's done and walks back into the nursery to see Peter still asleep but Tony is starting to stir. She sits next to Tony and gives him a kiss on his cheek. He mumbles and wakes up.  They both cuddle together for a few minutes until Peter wakes up.

Thankfully he wakes up happy and is excited to see his momma. She takes him from Tony and he giggles as she kisses him all over his face. While she feeds him, Tony goes and gets ready for the day. They get an alert from Jarvis that the team has breakfast done and they are welcome to join them. They head down to the team.
The team coos when they see Peter as he's in an avengers outfit with all of them on the shirt and their logos on the shorts...when they filled his closet they told Jarvis only avenger or iron man themed clothing for the spider baby including his pajamas and socks. Pepper and Tony chuckle at their responses. Peter is shy at first but once he sees who it is he perks up more. He's happy to see Rhodey has made it back and is reaching for him. Rhodey takes him and he instantly snuggles close to him and lays his head down on his shoulder.
"Looks like underoos missed his favorite uncle."
At that the rest of the avengers begin grumbling and arguing. Even though the infection is gone his ears are still sensitive from his powers. Peter begins to whimper and cry before Rhodey is able to realize because of the noise.  He tries shushing him but no luck as his cries become screams and he holds his ears.  The avengers stop and see what they've done. All are ashamed their arguing hurt the baby spiders ears. Tony is upset that Peter is crying but more concerned that his ears are now that sensitive since their volume was loud but not that loud.
Rhodey takes him out of the room and Pepper follows to help calm him.

After a few minutes everyone calms down and Peter returns in Rhodey's arms with his headphones on. He's got his iron man binky in his mouth and he's content now. Rhodey tries to put him in his high chair and he wants no part of it. Tony tries to take him but he won't let go of Rhodey.  Tony and Pepper sit down with the rest and eat breakfast without issues. Rhodey eats one handed while the other hand is wrapped around Peter as he sits quietly with his binky in his mouth while holding his iron man stuffy with his head resting on Rhodey's shoulder. 

Once they are finished they head to the kitchen to clean up while Rhodey still has Peter. He takes him outside and they walk around for a bit together before Peter starts whimpering for his parents. Rhodey sits on a bench and uses his watch to have Jarvis tell Tony and Pepper to come to him. His leg braces are acting up and he can't safely make it back inside while holding Peter. The last thing he needs to do is to fall and harm himself and Peter.

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