The First Step

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(I am sleeping soundly but then am waken up by a annoying girl with pick hair saying it morning I just get put go and eat and get ready I walk into where we hold are gear and weapons)

Ruby: Wonder what those two are so worked up about?

Yang: Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking. (strokes Crescent Rose as she sighs happily)

Yang: Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Ruby: (sighs in frustration) You sound like Dad! (shoves her weapon into the locker) Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!

Yang: But what about when we form teams?

Ruby: (suddenly nervous) Um, I don't know, I... I'll just be on your team or something...

Yang: (Bringing her hair around her shoulder and stroking it) Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?

Ruby: My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?

Yang: What? No! Of course I do! I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you... break out of your shell!

Ruby: What the-?! I don't need to 'break out of my shell'! That's absolutely-

(Jaime suddenly walking in between the sisters, holding a map and looking lost)

Jaune: Ridiculous! There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high! Why does this have to happen today?

(Jaune passes Weiss Schnee and Pyrrha Nikos as they ready themselves at their lockers)

Weiss: So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself!

Pyrrha: Hmm... I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may.

Weiss: Well... I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together.

Pyrrha: Well, that sounds grand!

Weiss: Great!

(The background disappears into a thundercloud as Weiss adopts a scheming pose and manic smile in her head)

Weiss: This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now! We'll be popular! We'll be celebrities! We'll get perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!

Megatron: excuses me but your in the way of my locker.

(Weiss then look and see the one the people call the gladiator and she does)

Weiss: yes of cores.

Pyrrha: Megatron!

Megatron: Pyrrha!

(Weiss see them both glare at each other and she gulp because Megatron is the only person to bet Pyrrha in a fight when on else could)

Pyrrha: it bin to long.

(She puts her hand out and he excepts it and they shack hands)

Megatron: yes it has.

Pyrrha: I'm glad to see you using your skill more then in the arena.

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