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13 hours ago with the team in the house)

Ruby: We need to take the Relic to Atlas?

Qrow: That's what Oz said.

(Everybody looks to Weiss)

Weiss: You've got to be joking...

Nora: I mean, bright side, we finally get out of this house!

Weiss sighs.

Qrow: Well trust me, I'm not crazy about it either. And without the Spring Maiden here to seal the Relic back in its Vault, it's our best option.

Ren: Atlas may be the safest kingdom we have at the moment, but their borders are closed. General Ironwood called everyone back.

Megaton: so then how are we supposed to get their any ideas.

(Qrow activates his Scroll, showing a hologram of a highlighted portion of land)

Qrow:  Well the city of Argus is a ways north of us and it's the primary trading port between Anima and Solitas. They've got the largest Atlas military base outside the kingdom. There's no way they'd leave it abandoned, and if we play our cards right, I think there's a good chance we could convince them to escort us straight to Ironwood.

Blake: I mean, we do have the missing Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

Weiss: Ex-Heiress, actually.

Megaton: an heiress is still an heiress so your name may be useful.

Yang: True and if their chance of reward money, I say we go for it.

Weiss: Ugh.

Ozpin: Hopefully the first option will suffice.

(Oscar, letting Ozpin take over, walks into the room)

Qrow: Glad to see you're feeling better.

Ozpin: Likewise, and while I'm sure we could all use more time to recover, I'm afraid time is of the essence.

Blake: Right, as long as that thing's out in the open, its power could fall into the wrong hands.

Jaune: Speaking of, what does it do exactly? Qrow never really told us.

Megaton: Yes I'm to curious about this lamp too?

(Everyone looks to Ozpin, who turns around to face them)

Ozpin: Of course. The Relic of Knowledge has a wonderful, and incredibly dangerous ability. Its user can ask any question, and the Lamp will provide an answer.

(Ozpin places the Relic down, and it floats on the table)

Ren: Intriguing.

Megaton: Fascinating.

Blake: That's incredible.

Ozpin: Indeed. However, it's not without drawbacks. The Lamp cannot tell of events that have yet to happen, and it will only ever answer three questions every one hundred years.

Yang: Well, I guess that's not so bad. Adds a lot of pressure though.

Nora: Then let's put it to a vote!

(Nora zips around the room, causing Ruby to jump and Qrow to spit out his coffee)

Nora: What should we ask first? Oh! Can we ask for more questions? CAN WE ASK FOR MORE QUESTIONS?!

Ren: (facepalming) They're not wishes.

Megaton: it can answer a question that's it.

Ozpin: (chuckling) I'm afraid you won't be able to ask it anything at the moment. The questions were used before I sealed it away.

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