Never Miss a Beat Megatron fight 2

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(Penny and ceil have just won their dubbed match)

Penny: (placing a fist in her palm and bowing in respect to her fallen foes, still smiling) Thank you for a wonderful time.

(The two victors turn to leave the stadium as Russel feebly reaches out, only to get hit in the head by an errant stone)

(Watching from the stands,ruby sees them start to walk away and excitedly gets up form her seat with the rest of her team to meet them at one of the exits)

Ruby: (catching up and spreading her arms as she calls out) Penny!

Penny: Ruby!

(lifting up her own arms, she tackles her friend into a hug that leaves them both of them on the ground)

Ruby: (grunts, then groans weakly) Why...

Penny: (gets up energetically and gestures to the other girl) Ruby, this is my teammate.

Ciel: Ciel Soleil. (bows formally)

Ruby: (raises her hand in greeting) Hi! I'm Ru-

Ciel: Ruby Rose. 15. Hails from Patch. Leader of Team RWBY. Status: Questionable.

Ruby: (silent for a second) Sooo... Penny! (turning back to her friend) You two were incredible out there. How do you keep control of all those swords? It's so cool!

Ciel: Penny? (looks at her watch and gestures at it) I believe it is best if we move on to our next location.

Penny: (exchanges a look with Ruby before asking Ciel) Could we have just a minute to talk?

In response, Ciel checks the time, then takes a step back and nods, starting the countdown.

Ruby: So is she... your friend or...

Penny: Well, in a way. She's like Blake, but if Blake was ordered to spend time with you.

Ruby: Oh. So, Weiss.

Penny: Precisely.

Ruby: (lowering her voice) Does she know about... y'know... beep boop bop, does not compute? (moves her body abruptly as if imitating a robot, leaving her arm to hang with a noticeable squeaking sound)

Penny: (shaking her head) Oh no. General Ironwood doesn't really want anyone to know. There was an incident with a magnet, but I was able to play it off.

Flashback to the Vytal Festival grounds with Ciel and Penny, who's wearing a large sun hat. The wind picks up and lifts the hat from her hair, revealing the aforementioned magnet on her skull, and Penny quickly shoves the headgear back on before Ciel turns back around. The story causes Ruby and Penny to laugh about it in the present for several seconds.

Penny: (still smiling, but getting serious) Ruby, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about. (glances over at Ciel before leaning in and whispering to Ruby) I want to stay at Beacon.

Ruby: (looking troubled by the news) Penny, they'll never let you do that.

Penny: (frowns, but then grins with mischief) I know, but I have a plan.

Ciel: (stepping back up to Penny's side and pointing to her watch) It's been precisely one minute, ma'am.

Penny: I'll talk to you more soon, Ruby. (the two Atlesians leave, but Penny turns to give a wave of farewell to Ruby, who does the same)

Port: (coming back over the stadium speakers to announce) Our next match will begin in 15 minutes!

Ruby: (suddenly looking really excited as she clasps her hands together) Oh my gosh, that's right! It's time for-

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