A Tale Involving a Tree

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Megatron: Ruby come back we can talk about what happened.

Jaune: Ruby!

(Megatron, Jaune, Juniper, Weiss, Blake and Yang are searching for Ruby)

Weiss: Ruby. Ruby...?

(Yang stops walking)

Yang: (sighs) Damn it! How can she just run off like that?!

Blake: She was clearly upset.

Yang: That wasn't upset! That was... Ugh! She could've talked to us!

Megatron: it seemed that she has bin holding it in.

Weiss: Maybe she didn't feel like she could... Ruby has always been the one to get us through the hard times. We say things like "We believe in you", "We can count on you". I know we mean well, but.

(Jaune feels guilty over what he said to Ruby back then. Juniper becomes sad and Jaune comforts them with a pat)

Yang: It's not like we're asking her to be perfect.

Megatron: But that how we all made her feel.

(They hear something and look at to a certain direction)

Megatron: This way.

(We soon race off and we see a big house with a hole in it and when we see Ruby she stares at her teammates, Jaune and Megatron. She then slowly picks up the teacup in her hands. She gives them one last look. Yang watches in shock as Ruby drinks the entire tea. Ruby drops the teacup and lies there)

Yang: (muted) Ruby?

(A hole appears below Ruby and she falls into it along with Little and Crescent Rose, engulfed in a bright light. Neo becomes astonished after she witnesses Ruby fall)

Megatron: W-wa hat just happened?

(We all look shocked at what happened but then the Cat is running towards the vine-covered hole)

Curious Cat: I needed her!

(The Cat attempts to scratch the vines that cover the entire hole pointlessly. They growl in anger. They hear the loud sound and look up to the Tree. The Cat looks away before slowly turning around, giving a sharp sneer. Neo, still sitting on her chair, has a still astonished look on her face)

(Jaune and Megatron points their sword at the Cat)

Jaune: Take us to her.

Megatron: NOW! Or else.

Curious Cat: You still don't get it, do you? It's not a place you go. It's a place you know.

(Weiss, Blake, and Yang watch the manor continuing to crumble with large cracks on the walls)

Curious Cat: But no matter... I actually found a much better solution to my problem.

(The Cat gives a powerful roaring beam at Megatron, Jaune, Weiss, Blake and Yang. Weiss, Blake and Yang are sent flying backwards, crashing against the walls. Jaune lands onto Juniper, who catches him in time. The Cat's form begins to grow bigger with their colors changing to white with clear black square patterns. The Cat flies towards Neo)

Curious Cat: You've lost something most important, haven't you? And now you have nothing left. (chuckles) How delightful! An empty host, perfect for me to fill.

(Neo widens her eyes in utter shock as the Cat forces her mouth open and dives inside of her. Megatron and Jaune regains their posture before turning around to see the Cat attempting to take over Neo's body, to his shock)

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