A Much Needed Talk and Taking Control

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(I'm the middle of the night Blake stands outside her father's office. The broken moon shines over the house. Blake stares at her father's door, when Kali speaks, startling her)

Kali: You know, you can always go in and say hi.

Kali is carrying a tray with a tea set on it.

Blake: I don't wanna bother him.

Kali: A father's never too busy for his daughter.

Blake: Not all of my friends would agree with you on that.

(Kali kisses her daughter on the cheek and hands her the tray. Blake accepts it, but is a bit taken aback by being handed it)

Kali: Here.

Blake: What? Where are you going?

Kali: You've never been very talkative, but that boy you brought home loves to run his mouth. I wanna hear more about the adventures of Team RWBY.

(Kali walks away)

Ghira: (calling out from inside his office) Kali? Is that you, dear?

(Blake gives a nervous start of surprise when she hears his voice. The tray shakes in her hands, and she lets out a quiet whine)

(Ghira straightens some paperwork on his desk. The porch door slides open and Blake steps inside)

Blake: Uh, hey dad.

Ghira: Blake! Well, this is a pleasant surprise.

Blake: I...

Ghira: (standing) Please, come sit.

(Father and daughter both move to the oversized coffee table and lounge furniture, and Blake sets the tea set at the end where her father sits)

Ghira: Don't worry, I've got it. Sit down, sit down.

Blake: I don't wanna keep you if you're--

Ghira: (pouring tea) Nonsense, I've been cooped up in here all day.

(He puts a cube of sugar in the cup nearest Blake)

Ghira: You still take sugar, right?

Blake: Oh, actually, uh-

Ghira: (pulling back nervously) Oh! Sorry!

Blake: No, no no no, it's fine.

Ghira: Oh, here, take this one.

Blake: (taking her cup) No, really. It's, it's no big deal.

Ghira: You sure?

Blake: Positive.

Ghira: Old habits, I suppose.

(Blake takes a sip of her tea and winces with a tiny exclamation of pain)

Ghira: Might wanna let it cool.

Blake: (slight pain in her voice) Right.

(She sets the cup down on the table)

Ghira: So... is it... warm... in Vale?

Blake: Huh?

Ghira: It just... seems like your outfit doesn't cover very much.

(Blake looks down at herself and crosses her arms)

Blake: It covers plenty.

Ghira: I mean, a little more armor might help. Don't you think?

Blake: I'm fine. I don't need armor. I can look after myself.

Ghira: I... (sighing) I know you can. I'm sorry.

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