Confessions Within Cumulonimbus

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Jaune: It... It's really you, right? When I saw you at the market...

(Jaune hesitantly pauses and looks down. The group look at each other before looking at Jaune)

Ruby: Jaune. It's us.

Megatron: You are among your friends.

(They all warmly hugs Jaune. Little, who is on top of Jaune's head, also hugs him. Jaune smiles with tears of joy)

Ruby: How did you find us?

Blake: How were you the Rusted Knight?

Megatron: What have you bin doing all these years?

Yang: And when did you get so...

Weiss: Mature?

(Ok so I have ideas for this
1 Weiss like older me
2 Weiss has daddy issues
3 or she like dilf
Pick witch one you think it is)

(Ruby, Megatron, Blake, and Yang stared at Weiss, who suddenly blushes)

Weiss: Uh.

Ruby: What happened in Atlas, after the rest of us fell?

Megatron; Did you get the relics back?

Jaune: (sighs) I, uh... Guess we all got a lot of catching to do.

(Later, Team RWBY, Megatron, Jaune and Juniper have already left the Gardens Arce and arrive in a flower field)

Ruby: She's... got two Relics now?

Yang: And with Cinder, the ability to get another.

Blake: She doesn't know where the Beacon Relic is!

Weiss: Well there's that to be thankful for at least.

(Jaune sighs as Ruby sits on a small rock)

Ruby: We lost Atlas and the relic...

Blake: (assuringly) But we got everyone out safely. Jaune said so.

Weiss places her hand on Blake's shoulder.

Weiss: We've risked their home to save the Relic... And we failed.

Blake: Getting everyone out has to count for something.

Ruby: (angrily) What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway...

(Yang places her arms on her sister's shoulder and leans in)

Yang: That's how Ironwood thought... you don't mean that.

Ruby looks down.

Jaune: You done?!

(Jaune waves his arm and Juniper prances behind him and stops)

Jaune: We need to move before the weather turns, or it's gonna take us a lot longer to get to safety.

Megatron: And why do we need to get to safety?

(Jaune takes a deep breath, exhaling)

Jaune: There'll be plenty of time to lick your wounds later. Come on.

(Jaune, Juniper, Megatron and Team RWBY are seen walking in a large field of grass)

Yang: Soo... Where're we going again?

Jaune: My village. Heh. I still can't believe you made it all the way from the Crimson Keep on your own.

Blake: Not on our own. We had help. The... Oh. (notices the Curious Cat isn't with them now) I hope the Cat is okay.

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