True Colors

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(The assault on the Belladonna Family Home continues. In the darkened tea room, Kali Belladonna and a guard fire back at unseen assailants. Kali runs out of ammo in her pistol and throws it to the ground in annoyance. She then picks up a tea tray to block another shot. She looks to a wounded female guard leaning against a pillar, who just stares back)

Kali: Do you have a better idea?

(Suddenly, Yuma flies in and knocks down the other guard to the ground. He wraps his hands around the guard's throat to choke him out)

Yuma: Quiet now...

(Kali then lifts the tea tray above her head, and does a loud battle cry as she runs toward Yuma)

Female Guard: Ma'am, no!

(Yuma lets go of the guard's neck as he looks back in surprise as Kali approaches him. The sound of a thunk is heard as it transitions to the next scene)

(Elsewhere, Blake Belladonna and Ilia Amitola stare at each other from their positions, both holding their weapons)

Blake: Did you come in here to hide?

Ilia: I told you, I didn't want this.

Blake: But you're still here!

Ilia: I don't have a choice!

Blake: Of course you do!

Ilia doesn't say anything, she just looks away.

Blake: Just... stay out of my way.

(Blake puts Gambol Shroud on her back and starts walking away. Suddenly, Ilia leaps and charges at Blake but her form disappears. Blake then reappears a few feet away behind Ilia. Blake holds Gambol Shroud in a defensive stance, while Ilia begins to attack with the whip form of Lightning Lash. Blake dodges and rolls. She runs along the desks and chairs in the room as Ilia tries to use her whip to hit her. Blake manages to dodge and block Ilia's attacks, and uses her ribbon to wrap around Ilia's wrist. Ilia is pulled toward Blake, followed up with the latter kicking the chameleon Faunus to the ground. The two then lock blades with each other)

Blake: Why do you feel like we have to hurt people to get our way?!

Ilia: (grunts) Because it works!

Blake: That doesn't make it right!

(Ilia pulls the trigger on her weapon, generating an electrical charge that causes Blake to drop her katana a few feet away from her. Blake pulls out her cleaver, but Ilia jumps from the desk and does a turn kick that knocks Blake over another desk, causing her to drop her weapon. Ilia whips at Blake again, but she uses her Semblance to get out of the way. Blake takes cover behind a desk)

Ilia: Stop lecturing me!!

(Blake peeks from behind the desk and notices Ilia's Grimm mask left behind on the ground. Ilia quietly turns the lights off in the room, causing it to go dark. Blake quickly goes to pick up her katana while Ilia sneaks around the room camouflaged. Blake hears a creak on the floor, Ilia quickly knocks her back. Blake uses the pistol form of her weapon to shoot at Ilia, who quickly evades the shots)

Ilia: Why couldn't you just leave?!

Blake: (transforming her pistol to katana form) Because I run away too much.

(Blake dodges a couple more whips from Ilia who has moved up to the balcony. As she takes cover behind the desks, Blake takes out two cartridges - one with fire Dust and the other with ice. She loads the fire Dust cartridge in her weapon and aims at the shrubbery at the top corner of the room)

Blake: Sorry, dad.

(Blake fires her weapon and the spreading flames start to light up the room, revealing Ilia's location. With camouflage not an option anymore, Ilia engages Blake in combat. The two start off with a mixture of sword clashes and hand-to-hand. Blake dodges out of the way of one of Ilia's attacks and starts shooting at her with the pistol form of her weapon. Ilia deflects the shots with her whip)

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