The Final Word

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(Cinder Fall and Penny Polendina fly at each other, using their respective Maiden powers to clash. They fly around as people continue to run towards the portal leading to Vacuo. Cinder launches a fireball hitting Penny in the back. She then tries to use her Grimm arm to grab Penny, but a Queen Lancer summoned by Weiss Schnee is shown to fly by and get Penny out of the way. Nora watches the crowd of people running for the Vacuo portal)

Jaune: Priority one.

(Nora looks back to her leader and they exchange nods, continuing with the evacuation)

(Back on the Queen Lancer summon)

Penny: Weiss, all she ever wanted was the Maiden power. I can buy you all time.

Weiss: But, Penny.

(Suddenly, Weiss is struck in the back by a fireball, causing her Queen Lancer summon to disappear. They fall onto one of the platforms, both of their Auras flicker. Cinder lands nearby and smirks evilly. Penny gasps as Cinder looks to Weiss, the Staff of Creation next to her. Penny suddenly gets up and blocks her path)

Penny: I'm right here! I'm what you want!

Cinder: I want it all...

(Cinder launches herself forward, but suddenly is pushed in the face by Megatron, and goes some distance away from them. Blake then lands next to him)

Megatron: on your feet this battle isn't over!

(Weiss does so, grabbing her weapon and the Staff. She then runs off as Megatron Blake and Penny face Cinder, their weapons at the ready)

(Ruby continues to fight Neo. Neo eventually kicks Ruby to the ground, causing her Aura to flicker. Neo slowly approaches Ruby threateningly)

Weiss: Leave her alone!

(Weiss slides in using her glyphs, using the Staff to knock Neo through a portal. Cinder notices this, and angrily launches flame ball at Megatron witch done knock him down she then set shoots fire to hold back Penny and Blake. Cinder than kicks Blake off the platform)

Megatron and Penny: Blake!

(Penny flies towards Blake to save her)

(Meanwhile, Weiss helps Ruby back up)

Weiss: Come on, we have to do this for Yang.

(Cinder smirks. The ground begins to glow beneath Ruby and Weiss. The latter notices this and pushes Ruby back, simultaneously shoving the Staff into her hands)

Ruby: No!

(An explosion goes off, knocking Ruby back. Weiss is launched up into the air before landing hard on the ground, her Aura breaking in the process. Suddenly, Neo reappears. She trades blows with Ruby, managing to snatch away the Staff as she knocks her off the platform. Ruby manages to land on one of the walkways, but helplessly watches Crescent Rose slide over the edge)

Ruby: No!!

(Ruby watches her weapon fall into the abyss. She looks back to Neo, who glares back at her)

Ruby: Whatever you wanted.

(Ruby looks over her shoulder as she nears the edge of the walkway, before facing Neo again)

Ruby: I hope it was worth it.

(Ruby spreads her arms wide, offering herself as a target. Neo extends Hush's blade as she prepares to go for the kill. She lunges, but Ruby deliberately falls backward before the blade can hit her; she then uses her Semblance to circle under the path, come up behind Neo and knock her over the edge, disarming her in the process. Ruby tries to catch the Staff, but Cinder launches a fire blast into her back, breaking her Aura and knocking her off the path. Ruby catches onto Neo's ankle, the former hanging from the edge of the path. Cinder grabs the Staff and approaches them. Neo reaches out to her, but Cinder's Grimm arm reaches past, grabbing the Lamp from Neo's belt)

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