♡Purple x Pink (fluff)♡

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Purple and Pink found themselves stuck in space, their only ground is just on a broken refrigerator, and they're miles away from the Skeld Ship.

Purple, who is mostly calm and tries to think of a situation, curses under her breath and collapsed to the ground- having her hands up on her eyes, her breath hitched dejectedly.

Pink looks at Purple, with a confused and worried look that covers his face. He knew that Purple needed more time to thoroughly figure out how to get back to the ship before they could lose anymore oxygen than necessary. Pink gets on his knees and slowly crawls his way towards Purple, carefully placing his hand on Purple's shoulder.

"Hey... It's gonna be okay, all right?" Pink's voice is filled with care and reasurance for Purple as he gently wraps his arms around Purple, giving her a hug.

Purple's eyes widen as she slowly lifts down her hands in shock, while catching her breath. She looks over at Pink, as Pink slightly leans his head against her shoulder, while hugging her close. Purple has always overlooked at Pink as he always eats during missions, never takes anything seriously and would complain often about anything and everything, but because of Pink's sudden affection Purple's eyes soften She starts to realize that... Maybe, just maybe that Pink does deeply care for the situation they're on, and... For her as well, his touch is genuine. It makes Purple feel all fuzzy inside, as she slowly starts to embrace Pinks touch and loosens up not being so tense anymore.

Pink leans his head more onto Purple's shoulder, and starts to smile slowly that "she's finally opening up!" Pink happily thought.

They embraced each other for awhile for the sake of Purple's almost breakdown, but when she starts to calm down. She wants to feel every moment of Pink, even if it means holding her hand out for him, for just one last hug..

Purple gently pushes Pink away, and her hand is up onto her mouth, whe fakely coughs to try and stiffen up again because she felt "embarrassed." She didn't understand why she would think of that- as her cheeks turns red, baffled by her own fantasies.

"I-I'm sorry. I was supposed to think of a plan." She murmurs, hand away from her mouth and starts to rub her arm awkwardly before clearing her throat.

Pink was suprised at first because Purple pushed him away- but then chuckles, as he might have forgotten that she doesn't like sudden physical touch.

"It's okay!" Pink smiles, carefully pats her on the back.

"Take your time. I'm sure we can still try to live here!" He smiles with his sharpened teeth- which Purple just chuckles softly, who still feels her painted cheeks, it makes her feel awkward as her cheeks starts to hurt as she wasn't used to smiling so much at the same time . Maybe despite the circumstances, she's glad that Pink is her first partner and last partner.

Nobody can't and won't change Pink's position. Ever.

Because Pink means a lot to Purple. More than just a friend than she thought.

She wishes she could kiss him, but she doesn't wanna scare him away, afraid that their friendship will fail- not knowing Pink also thought the same thing and felt every ounce of love she had for him.

They gaze upon each other, blush forms on Pink's face and he start to sweat nervously- letting go of Purple's back and he tries thinking of a distraction to change the topic as it was getting awkward.

"S-So.. How do we get out of here?" Pink looks back at Purple.

Purple looks at him in confusion at first but feelings eventually wore off as her brows furrowed, thinking that Pink got uncomfortable but knows that they both need to do something to the situation.

"Right." She sighs, before explaining the plan carefully.

Pink carefully listens, and nods his head to important details that Purple offers him to take part in.

"You ready to jump in to the adventure?"

"As long as there's pizza" He grins and reaches his hand out for Purple to grab on.

Purple's eyes widen, having small sparkles in hope.

"How about you?" Pink asks back, still reaching his hand out for her, with a cheeky grin. "I'm starving let's hurry up."

Purple chuckles, and it's all coming back to her like a football that you unluckily wasn't able to dodge, feeling hot on her face and uneasy feelings again, but she knows that she fully trusts Pink that could actually partake in the plan for once even if the first thing that came to mind was pizza.

Purple carefully slides her hand onto Pink's Palms, Pink feels her rough snd calloused hands and Pink carefully places his other hand above hers.

Purple feels her face start to calm down more- I'm always ready.." She says confidently, feeling Pink's smooth hands, it gives her warmth and comfort that she desperately needed as their cold breath comes out from their mouth because of the cold atmosphere around them.

Pink chuckles in delight, blush forming back onto his face, as he's now holding Purple's hand.

"Let's kill some crewmates."

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