Purple x Pink (ANGST)

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Pink's whisper lingered in the air, a gentle plea for connection, as she intertwined her fingers with Purple's. "Your hand in my hand," she murmured, her voice carrying a soft vulnerability that echoed the depth of her feelings.

With a hesitant sigh, Purple met Pink's gaze, his own filled with a mixture of uncertainty and trepidation. "I could never choose to love another," Pink confessed, her words a testament to the unwavering devotion she held for him.

A heavy silence settled between them, fraught with the weight of unspoken truths and the looming specter of rejection. Purple struggled to find the right words, his heart torn between the desire to reciprocate Pink's affection and the knowledge that his own emotions did not align in the same way.

"Maybe one day I can learn to love you too," Purple finally offered, his voice strained with the burden of his own uncertainty. Each word hung in the air, pregnant with the acknowledgment of an inevitable rejection, a gentle yet resolute denial of the love that Pink so openly offered.

In that fleeting moment, amidst the fragile dance of hope and apprehension, Pink felt the sting of his reluctance piercing through her tender heart. In that moment, she realized that despite her deepest desires, his love would forever remain out of reach, leaving her to grapple with the ache of unrequited affection.


Hope you guys like the angst >:)

Buh bye!

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