☆Purple and neutral reader (Angst)☆

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Purple turns around, spotting Y/c. He was holding a bloodied knife in one claw.

He stares them down, gripping the weapon tighter as he took a couple steps towards them threateningly.

As the look past him, Y/c notices a body. It was hard to make out who's body it was with all the blood and the dark surroundings, but as they squint their eyes, they recognise it was Lime...once Purple's friend...

"If you value your life...I suggest you don't move, Y/c." Purple says coldly without a hint of regret or even guilt.

Purple's cold voice snapped them out of their distraction, realising now that he was directly in front of them, the bloodied knife pointed towards them almost like Purple was going to throw it at you.

Y/c's eyes widen as their breathe hitches, their heart is beating loudly and their mind becomes hazy. Their mind went straight into a flight or fight instinct but the brain chose neither and instead choose freeze.

They just stares at the dead bodies than at Purple.

Only thing they could muster up was a soft gasp of denial and grief for their friends that had sadly passed because of this treacherous monster.

A ow growl escapes Purple. He seems to be almost offended by how...passively Y/c reacted and he takes another step towards them, the knife pointing even closer in front of them. He takes another step closer and his mouth opens to form words but nothing comes out.

"Do you not have a sense of survival or self preservation at all? You stand in front of an bloodthirsty monster for crying out loud and yet you have no fear..not even a single bit of fear.." Purple asks raising an eyebrow.

Y/c snaps out of their trance as they slowly back away eyeing the creature.

"Look i-i... I don't understand... why?" Y/c asks, their eyebrows furrow and their face twists into a frown. They don't want to die yet their body just couldn't comprehend what was going on, everything just came crashing down and it's almost like their body became paralysed for a second.

Purple is just staring them down, his mouth hung open as he stared. Not in curiosity, but in slight confusion.

"Why you ask? Why do I kill these fools that stand in my path..? There's no reason to these questions"

His sharp teeth are visible on his face as he walks closer and closer destroying the barrier between them, his free claw clenching and his teeth sinking into his palm.

"I kill because...simply to kill. Isn't that a satisfying answer to you?" Purple asks smirking.

Y/c takes a deep and shaky breathe as they backs away from him.

"You're a psychopath!" Y/c yells at Purple in distress.

Tears slowly build up in their eyes as it sting their eyes, their vision becomes blurry as they just felt themselves grow weak.

His eyes widen, the bloodlust suddenly rising as you called him a 'psychopath'. The name was certainly new to him, but he definitely did not look amused.

"Call me that again..and I'll show you how "psychopathic' I really am". His claw reaches closer. His hand grips on the knife becomes tighter.

Y/c takes a deep breathe as they're afraid of what Purple might do to them if they speak up.

"You're a fucking traitor!" Y/c yells loudly at Purple, their anger just builds up as they feel like they could tear Purple up at any second just for revenge. They clench their fists as they feel their nails digging into their palms probably creating dents.

Purple's eyes widen as Y/c shout at him. He looks more furious now and more like a beast. The knife he is holding is in a stabbing position at that point and he held it in front of them threateningly. Y/c knows that he was about to go berserk any second now "I gave you a whole chance to run..and you chose to insult me instead..? I must say you're foolish." His voice remains cold..but he sounds so furious and now there was a hint of a twisted snarl on his face.

Y/c looks at the ground defeatitly as they close their eyes just letting the tears stream down their face after holding them for a hot second.

It's just to much to handle, Purple the crewmate they thought they could trust the most ended up betraying them in the most gut wrecking way possible that may end up as mental trauma if they manages to escape.

"I trusted you!" Y/c yells. "I fucking trusted you!" They look up at Purple as they yell this, their fury becoming more visible on their face.

"And I took advantage of that" His voice is still cold as ever, but slightly mocking, he didn't even try to deny that and now he took another step closer to them.

"And now you're gonna pay..with your life" Purple says squinting his eyes.

Y/c backs away finally their flight instincts kick in or more of an adrenalin as they turn around running in Medbays hallway to try and reach the mini ships before they tragically die of the hands of Purple.

As they buck it into the dropship area they scrambles to grab some heavy boxes blocking the path. As they turns around they see Red, Blue and White luckily still alive trying to find a way out.

"Where is the dropship?!" Y/c asks in distress as they run to the remaining crew.

Before any of them could answer the door busts down with Purple and Pink both having weapons and look ready to brutally kill them in the most gut wrecking way that if there was a noble price they'd 100% win it.

"Fuck." The rest of the group say in union as they all look around the room to try and find something to protect themselves with.


Man this was long and boring my apologies, I'm running out of ideas help.

Anyway you can tell that my favourite character is Purple lolz.

Anyway buh bye!!!

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