♡Brown x female reader (fluff)♡

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After helping Yellow and his son getting back on Skeld, Brown had a lot of time to think about everything that has happend. He had nearly lost his crew, his base, his life.

The cast he wore on his arm was a reminder of that fateful night that still haunts his mind.

Despite all the bad memories that creeped in, he couldn't help but fondly smile at the memory of the small crewmate. Yeah, the little guy was an impostor, but he held no ill intention towards anyone at the end of the day.

But that made Brown think of his spouse back on the Terra crew. She stayed behind for the task of maintaining Mira, he always admired that about her, she was a determined selfless woman that he couldn't help but feel fond of.

And now, after all of what has happend, he couldn't help but feel like he needed to see her again. Just to feel her touch once more, just for a mere second would do.

Fortegreen said that this would do good to him as in to be away from the place that caused him so much stress. And between Brown and Fortegreen, neither felt that safe on Polus anymore, which is understandable they almost died for crying out loud.

So after a lot of back and forth calls between Brown and the Terra group they had come to terms that the Polus crew will be replaced for a temporary amount of time.

Once the Polus group reaches their destination which is Mira they all couldn't help but smile at the place as fond memories come back.

As the dropship lands on the deck of Mira they all step out of the ship, they are immediately greeted by fresh air, back at Polus the air was very thick which made it hard to breathe at times, but here? It was perfect.

The group that will temporarily replace the Polus group all exchange goodlucks before they enter the ship and head their way to Polus.

Y/c has just finished reconstructioning one of the engines that had blown up for some apparent reason, as she rises to her feet she remembers that she should probably hurry up before she becoms late to meeting the Polus crew, as she hastily walks down the long corridors she spots a mirror not to far away from her, as she checks her state she couldn't help but chuckle at her reflection. I mean being covered in smoke kind of made her look like those old cartoons when the black smoke on a car or train hit them.

As she slightly dusts herself off the best she could, she walks away from the mirror to the deck, once she made it she sees Brown, and that instantly made her day a thousand times better just by his mere presence.

"Brown!" Y/c happily exclaims as she throws herself at Brown, Brown yelps in surprise as he did not expect that kind of welcoming from her but he shoves those thoughts aside as he spins her around with his uninjured arm. (He's a big strong man.)

"My little engineer." Brown whispers as he has a lovesick smile on his face.

The two just stay there, in eachothers embrace. It had been a while simce they last saw and the two couldn't be apart forever no matter how hard the universe tried to separate them.

"I've missed you" he whispers, as he rests his forehead on hers. She smiles widely and replies with a "I missed you too." Normally people would gag at the public display of affection. Buuuuuuut the way her an Brown did it wasn't overly used, it was y'know genuine. D'uh.

Y/c then drags Brown back to the working side of the building where the storage and other rooms are located. Of course not before greeting his crew your hi's and hello's, the same one who gave Brown a very knowing look that left Brown rolling his eyes. He'll deal with their innapropriate comments later. Right now all he could think about is the memories that he'll hopefully make with her.

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