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I made an oc, actually I made this oc at the start of 2020 but decided to remake it because I felt like it.

I made an oc, actually I made this oc at the start of 2020 but decided to remake it because I felt like it

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She's a bit wonky cause I was to lazy to actually fix her but oh well.

She's suppose to be like a ghost, I'm not sure what I was thinking back than, but she can like phase into a ghost at any given time and is like completely invincible (look idk don't ask me

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She's suppose to be like a ghost, I'm not sure what I was thinking back than, but she can like phase into a ghost at any given time and is like completely invincible (look idk don't ask me.)

She doesn't have a backstory yet, or that I can remember.... but uhm. Can y'all give me suggestions?

I just found this one in my gallery lolz, idk what the fuck is going on, is she mad at Purple or Pink? HELP

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I just found this one in my gallery lolz, idk what the fuck is going on, is she mad at Purple or Pink? HELP.

I just found this one in my gallery lolz, idk what the fuck is going on, is she mad at Purple or Pink? HELP

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I keep finding more pictures of her, bow that I think of it I think she's on the impostors side?

I'm just picture dumping help, this is confusing now, I think I only drew her in the alternative timeline?

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I'm just picture dumping help, this is confusing now, I think I only drew her in the alternative timeline?

Anyway buh bye!

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