○Purple and his daddy issues {ANGST}○

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Purple had failed the mission not to mention failing to bring back the supplies his father needed, he had failed his father and Purple was not looking forward to going home at all.

Pink's time was short as he didn't need her anymore so like his father taught him once someone is not needed you leave Purple knew that it wasn't right but he didn't care.

When the ship that had saved them in Polus had landed on upper Mira HQ Purple is quick to leave the ship not looking at anyone specifically just wanting to go home after a long and miserable mission.

"Purple?..." Pink says as she places a hand on his shoulder, that makes Purple jolt in surprise as he doesn't like sudden physical touch. He stops mid in his tracks as he looks to the side to avoid Pink's sorrowful gaze.

Pink notices the avoidance and sighs to herself, there's no need in trying to save someone that doesn't want to be saved.

Purple looks back to see the remaining skeld gang that had survived and mumbles angrily to himself.

He slaps Pink's hand away from his shoulder as he silently walks away to lower Mira. Once he's deep in Mira he sees some impostors roaming around the place just trying to mind their own business. Purple sighs to himself as he shoves his hands in his pockets and keeps his head down. He has his artefact in one piece after retrieving the half from Red so maybe everything wasn't going to be too bad.

When Purple walks through the halls he's lived in for so long it gives a nostalgic feeling of when things were easy, just a little kid living the life.... but now? He's stuck doing missions and barely even sees his family anymore, not that he even wants to spend time with his father.

The yelling, scrambling, screaming, arguing all catch Purple's attention as he squints his eyes not missing all the havoc that he always needs to face on a daily basis.

Once Purple enters the "hangout" place where it is most crowded with impostors he sees the hallway leading to the leaders room/den (I dunno what is that anyway? Can someone tell me?). And he sees two very familiar faces, Red-eye and Blue-eye the annoying twins that guard his father's room. He hates them to the core not because of their personalities but just in general.

"Here comes Purple back from a mission." Red-eye sings mockingly as he smirks to himself, Blue-eye only chuckles but when Purple looks up with a serious face the twins stop in their tracks eyes wide and they knew the line they did not want to cross so they move to the side to let Purple in.

Purple just angrily mumbles to himself as he gives a quick death glance at the twins before walking in the hallway. He can hear mumbling coming from two familiar voices, his father and grandfather he sighs knowing he's going to get the most gut wrecking lecture of all rodamrix timeline.

Once Purple is in the room he stays next to the exit just Incase he needs to run from his father's wrath.

"Father?...." Purple mutters waiting for a reaction from either one of them. When he realises they didn't hear him he sighs."Father?..." Purple says more clearly.

That makes Indigo snap out of his trace as he looks behind himself to see his son that has been gone for so long. Dark Slate Blue turns around aswell smiling widely.

"My grandchild is back!" Dark Slate Blue says happily walking to his grandchild before hugging Purple tightly.

Indigo did not look too amused as he squints his eyes crossing his arms.

"What happened?" Indigo asks in a rather harsh tone. Purple gulps as he avoids his father's gaze Dark Slate Blue notices this and sighs slightly.

"Son, leave the child alone." Dark Slate Blue tells Indigo, but Indigo only huffs in annoyance but shuts up. Purple sighs in relief as his grandfather just saved his ass from getting whooped by his psycho father.

"I expected better from you, Purple." Indigo says as he leaves the room feeling disappointed that Purple didn't complete the mission.

Purple just sighs as he sees his father leave the room.

"Am I that much of a disappointment?" Purple asks his grandfather who is still hugging him tightly.

Dark Slate Blue only chuckles as he let's his hands rest on Purple's shoulders.

"Purple, your father just wants what's best for you... although he can be a bit.... aggressive at times but nevertheless you have good intentions don't let his words affect you." Dark Slate Blue explains.

Purple only frowns as he sighs, well it's better than nothing.


This was short and I apologise for that but I ran out of ideas so help. Anyway hope you enjoy it BUH BYE.

(Edit I just realised how far off I was help😔)

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