♧Lime x Yellow (Fluff)♧

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It would be an understatement if you Said that love was easy to hold onto. Maybe for some people, but for others? Not quite. Example Yellow and Lime, after a bit of discussing they both agreed to take the relationship one step out of time. None of them wanted to rush it.

So picture this scenario, both are in Cafeteria as they're both eating dinner togheter chatting talking about work, y'know the usual. It was a bit awkward as they have Glitch.Y staring at them looking very unhappy. He did not like that his attention was on someone else rather than him. So like a man, Glitch.Y stood up from the chair.

"What you guys talking about?" Glitch.Y asks staring daggers at his father.

Yellow snaps his attention to Glitch.Y as he gently grabs Glitch.Y and makes him sit on the seat so he doesn't fall. Yellow needed to do something about the constant sulking coming from Glitch.Y, he understood that he also needed to adjust to Lime but still.

"Uhm... Adult stuff?" Yellow smiles awkwardly. Lime just slowly nods also giving an awkward crooked smile.

Glitch.Y frowns as he crosses his arms and does a little huff.

Lime found Glitch.Y to be the most cutest baby in the world that she has laid her eyes on. To say that Lime likes Glitch.Y would be an understatement. She adores him. And the little tantrum wasn't helping at all as Lime just found that absolutely adorable. She wanted to squeeze that little face but kept the intrusive thoughts in check.

"Hey little guy c'mon don't gimme that look." Yellow tries to reason with Glitch.Y. But Glitch.Y was not having any of it. Yellow tries to feed Glitch.Y but he refuses to eat, let's just say he was giving Yellow a hard time.

With a sigh he grabs a spoon full of food and does the famous 'here comes the aeroplane'. And that somehow works...? Lime just chuckles as she watches the scene unfold. Yellow turns his attention to Lime as he gave her a small smile.

Yellow places the spoon on the tray as he places his hand on Lime's cheek. He wanted to feel her soft touch under his hand. Lime just let's out a small giggle as he does that. Lime slowly inches closer planting a gentle kiss on the cheek, nothing to big just a sign of appreciation.

Of course Glitch.Y found that absolutely disgusting as he fake gags looking to the side. Yellow just chuckles at his sons behavior as he tickles his stomach which quickly lightens Glitch.Y's mood as he giggles and giggles.

Once everyone was done eating they clean up after themselves and start walking to the sleeping quarters.

When they reach the dorms (I always wonder why tf skeld doesn't have any rooms to sleep in? Nevertheless.) Yellow opens the door to his room as he keeps the door open for Glitch.Y to walk in the room. He turns around to look at Lime as he saw her standing there.

"Y'know if you'd like you can come in, I don't mind." Yellow explains calmly sending a smile in Lime's way. Of course Lime quickly agrees and they both enter the room, Yellow closes the door as he sees Lime quickly walking towards Glitch.Y and trying to start of a conversation with him, Glitch.Y wasn't really interested as he lays on the bed and quickly let's sleep succumb him.

Lime could feel the baby fever start kicking in, as she sighs and feels the mattress gain some weight on one side, she turns to see Yellow tucking in Glitch.Y.

"You think he likes me?" Lime asks curiously. She was dying to know if Glitch.Y would accept her into the family someday.

Yellow just chuckles as he playfully nudges Lime.

"You think?" Yellow asks the question again. That made Lime roll her eyes a smile still visible on her face. It was clear that Glitch.Y would have to warm up to her first but she hopes she was atleast making progress, truth be told she was not good with kids but still adores them.

"Y'know if I weren't mistaken I'd say you look quite pretty." Yellow says admiring Lime. The comment made Lime blush as she tries to hold eye contact but that doesn't really work as she felt herself become shy.

"Thanks.... You don't look bad yourself." Lime quietly chuckles to not wake Glitch.Y up. She saw Yellow's hand inch closer to her face as she felt his gentle and warm touch on her cheek, she savours the moment as she melts just from the sight of Yellow.

"I love you." Yellow simply says. It wasn't a long sentence but it ment a lot.

Lime sighs as she closes her eyes.

"Love you more." Lime whispers.

Crewmates didn't need more than love, or that was Lime and Yellow's opinion they only needed eachother... And Glitch.Y don't forget Glitch.Y! As they scoot closer to eachother they share a warm embrace that is laced with love and appreciation for one and another.

Life was starting to get better for them hopefully nothing ruins their happy memories.


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