□Purple and Lime (ANGST)□

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Lime couldn't believe how foolish he was for trusting a "crewmate" like Purple. He should've known better than to trust that backstabbing bitch.

He remembers his death so vividly that it made him feel so foolish. He remembers how he begged for Purple to not kill him, he remembers how the tears fell like waterfalls as he got cut in half. Purple really made him feel like a fool when he thinks back to those days on Skeld when there weren't any issues or problems. Back when it was "just" him and Purple, but.... Those times are gone. He's a ghost now with the rest of his crew.

The skeld had blown up thanks to Red and now it was his and his Crews issue to try and mend it. Lime was trying to fix the wires until he hears chuckling and snickering coming not far from where he is. Curious he flies to where the sound is heading as he sees Purple and Pink on a refrigerator that's floating around space and it looks like some of his crewmates are laughing at them. He scoffs angrily but flies to them to see what all the fuss was about. Once he made it he saw Green aggressively questioning them, once Green was finished speaking Lime flew close to Purple's face as his fist clench close to Purple's face.

"Why'd you kill me?!" Lime asks angrily. "I thought we were friends!" Of course Purple just looks confused as she raises an eyebrow.

"If I didn't kill you you'd have reported me instead if you found out I was an impostor." Purple bluntly says.

The rest of the team mock them bitterly as they were all upset with Purple and Pink. Pointing out fingers and saying they'd die soon enough because of oxygen. Of course Purple did not like that.

"We'll find a way to board Skeld and fly to Polus." Purle simply says. "Just wait and see." That smirk Purple has on her face made Lime feel furious! How could she?! After everything that has happened!

The rest of the group just laugh at that "statement" but Lime felt nervous, he knew that when Purple said something she wouldn't stop until it went her way. But Green just brushes it aside as he points to the ship and tells his crew to back down as he was certain that Purple and Pink wouldnt make it in time. The team obligates with what Green says and follow him to Skeld. Of course Lime is about to follow his crew until Purle's voice interupts his thoughts

"I understand you're frustrated at me." Purple says. "And you probably won't listen to me, but aren't we friends?

Lime feels his heart throb as he hears the term "friends" coming out of her mouth, what did she think?! Of course they weren't friends! Lime could never give himself to forgive her! He just... Felt too betrayed and hurt to even be able to look at her, so Lime just flies away ignoring Purple's comment.

As Lime and his crew return to Skeld Cyan and him try to fix the floor with some left over metal they found lying around. Until they hear from Black that the impostors has found a way and are heading towards them. Of course they quickly go to the edge of the ship to confirm that.. Yes! They are heading this way! But Cyan got an idea and quickly flies to grab something once she was back it was a cone and a tennis ball, what on earth was she going to do with that? But she did her magic putting the ball in the cone as she throws it in their direction, Pink sees the so called ice-cream and they could see how tempted he was. Of course that made Purple yell to him that it wasn't ice-cream. Time was running out and Green probably wants to rub that in their faces. Purple quickly uses her long ass tongue to try and reach Skeld but it wasn't long enough.

"No time." Green says cockily. Of course that made Purple snarl in frustration as she rolls her eyes.

But than something happens, I never understood how Purple could be such a fast thinker, she grabs the piece of "rock" from her pocket as she throws it so that her tongue could get a hold of it. Once her tongue grabs the rock she holds it firmly in her tongue. Of course that made Green chuckle.

"A piece of rock?" He asks pointing at it. But that's when the "rock" gains some sort of tentacles grasping the edge which Purple quickly abuses the opportunity to aboard Skeld much to our dismay. Once Purple is on Skeld she smirks as she looks at us.

"See? Just wait and see. Pink will be able to fix this ship in no time." Purple says cockily a hand up in pride clutching the rock and the other hand on her hip. But when Pink didn't respond Purple gets worried as she looks behind herself to see Pink hadn't arrived and was left behind!

"Pink are you serious?!" Purple yells as she looks at Pink with a frown. Pink notices the fake ice-cream as he let's go and tears start to form in his eyes. Lime just stays in his place as he sees Purple going deeper in the Skeld. Wasn't she going to help her friend? Lime wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. But Purple went to the box they store their extra items and Cyan and Black got an idea to try and distract Purple. They go over to her as he can hear them bickering.

Lime looks at Green as he gets an idea on his mind.

"I'll go talk to her!" Lime say with a smile pointing at himself. Green simply nods and Lime flies over to Purple, Black and Cyan move over so that Lime could speak to her.

"You're right I am mad at you." Lime says to clear things off. But Purple just simply ignores him like Like did a few minutes ago, she grabs a big ass ring and a rope as she floats back to the edge of the ship. Lime frowns as he has to quickly come up with something to say!

"You going to help Pink?"Lime asks getting an idea in his head and crossing his arms. "Me and the others are going to stop you from saving Pink, well wait til' he dies." But Purple cuts him off "You won't be able to stop me." She says tying the rope to the ring. Of course he gets confused, what was her motive anyway? What did she want?

"Is your target to gain the second half of that rock thing, Red took?" Lime ask.

But Purple just scoffs as she rolls her eyes.

"My target is to kill the rest of the Skeld group." Purple says bluntly, as she finishes speaking she throws the ring at Pink's direction Lime was about to do something but Green stays in the way blocking it from passing any further. Purple just scoffs as she rolls her eyes. She throws it again but this time Cyan was in the way, Purple snarls in frustration.

"We'll stop tormenting you if you make a truce with me." Lime says.

"And what's that deal?" Purple asks through gritted teeth.

Lime just closes his eyes and shrugs like it was common sense.

"Don't kill the rest of our crew." Lime simply says.

Purple just quickly glances at Lime before looking back at Pink.

"Yeah no." She says.

Lime smiles to himself.

"Well I guess Pink dies." He sighs dramatically. Purple seems like she took that to heart as she looks like she was pondering if she should do it or not.

Purple lights up as she smirks looking behind herself to simply glance at Lime.

"Fine, but I'm going after my half of the artifact that, Red has." Purple explains." Pink and I won't kill them, deal?"

Lime didn't really trust Purple but they could always taunt them and distract them. Lime thinks for a second before accepting the terms. Purple and him shake hands to seal the deal. He looks at his ghost friends.

"Give the ring to Pink." Lime tells the others. Black and Cyan look at him questioning the choice that Lime made but obligate.

Green flies up to him as he slightly covers his mouth so Purple doesn't hear

"Lime, are you sure they won't kill the rest of our crew?" He asks worriedly. Of course Lime follows along slightly covering his mouth.

"Don't stress! Everything is perfectly fine." Lime says. "Well just grab their weapons so they'll be defenceless against the rest of our crew!"

Green just nods as he flies off to the deck of the skeld the crew and Lime follow along and not a minute later Purple and Pink enter the deck. A little talking between the impostors about food and the ship somehow starts. The crew all look over at Purple as they embrace themselves for the worst.

The ship flies off at full speed heading to Polus, hopefully whatever happens next isn't as bad.

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