🎆The escaped 🎆

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Crash and guns shooting, mikey wakes up to hear guns shots he covers his ears. Mikey got up and walks to his door to hear to notices his door was open, he pushed the door and walked out , he went to leatherheads door to see nothing in there. where is he? The four-year-old looked around and began walking while the kraang was distracted. Mikey got to a door with a sign saying Don't enter. Mikey opens the door and walks in. A room fill with weapons, mikey eyes goes to the nunchuks grabbing them holding them hugging them, he has found his weapon. He saw his slingshot and grabs it having two weapons. Was this the time to escape like leatherhead says? Mikey was now walking to find an exit when he walked out he saw a dark sky with weird creatures. Mikey runs out letting the air fills his lungs making the turtle breathe hard running away from the lab. Mikey ran into a old building and sat down trying to breathe. Tears filled the young turtle's eyes falling down laying. Mikey wonder where Leatherhead is. Sometime has pass , mikey got back up and walk around the old building. Taking it in , he walk past a mirror seeing his baby blue eys with scars and bruises all over him.

Mikey was out of the kraang grip for 8 months, he places his weapons in a wall and went out to get food. Guns came out of nowhere blasting.

Experiment 435 

Mikey heard that he turn around that quick and his eyes shook he ran away fast as he could but the kraang caught up with him dragging the kicking turtle. They threw mikey in a cage throwing gas in there knocking the 4-year-old out. Mikey woke up in a chair with needles sticking inside of him. Strange liquids went into his body making him scream at the burning. Knifes slides his legs cutting his skin. Horrible music played in his ears. The kraang grabs the kid and throws him in a cell locking it. The cold misty air hits the cuts, mikey lay on the floor crying hugging his mask.

Mikey is now 7. Everyday is the same - get up ,fight ,lab time ,fight , lab time and sleep over over again. Ever since he escape they now keep a close eye on him. Mikey is now in the lab chair getting something in his body making his body spas. Mikey is still very skinny and very small. Everything was the same the kraang was walking the tired turtle back to his cell.

Boom Bang. A exploding from the main room causing the guard to push mikey in the cell forgetting to lock the door and ran to the main room. Mikey notices the cell door half close, he got up and look out in the hallway. Mikey ran as fast as he could, holding his side pushing the pain and running not caring. He ran to the door and couldn't open it then ran to a window trying to smash it, he quickly grab a chair and broke the window. His eyes look how high they are up. Gulping but he could hear the kraang looking for him mikey climb on the window his hands leaving bloody handprints on the wall, sliding down, he is the best fighter this is a easy job. Mikey lost his grip and fell into a dumpster laying down trying to get back up. Mikey threw himself over the dumpster and walk away limping. Mikey ran limping away, he thought about his old home and ran there. The old building even look older, mikey went in and went to lay down on the floor. Finally catching his breathe he laughs. 

Mikey woke up the next day, the blood dry but it was raining. Was mikey now having a break, mikey got up and went outside to stand in the rain letting it wash off the blood as mikey cry. Why was his life so unfair?  After he was done mikey went back inside and grab his weapons that he hid. Mikey waited for night fall and rest. Night fall came he got up quickly and ran through the streets looking for a old building, he ran and then saw an orange hoodie it was matching his mask on his neck,he quickly grab it and ran. 2 hours later he found a old apartment that looks like no one has been in there for years. Mikey walks around and found an old bed he places his stuff and sat on the old mattress resting his feet. Mikey was getting abit hungry he hasn't eaten for week now. He grabs his nunchakus and walks outside looking in the dumpster. He found an old pack bag and an half eaten sandwich. When he was leaving he found an old blanket and a pillow he grab them. They look cool to him. Mikey got back to his bed home placing his new items on the floor he took his sandwich and ate abit of it. Falling asleep think how it took him 3 years to get out.

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