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Alina vowed to never be violent again, but it was too late. Justine was gone. Katrina, Alina's closest friend, understood that the traumas they both shared played a part in Alina's behaviors. Katrina was quick to forgive what she saw in the aftermath of the book throwing, and she stayed close to Alina, making sure she was not alone.

It was December now, and finals were around the corner. No amount of working out or medication could subdue Alina's sleeplessness the past few months, but that did not stop her from trying her best in her Computer Science classes. While her friends were worrying about their next moves after college, Alina already had a job lined up after successfully completing an internship at a bank. She had more time on her hands than the rest of her peers.

"Did all my homework. Guess I'll just head upstairs," Alina said to Katrina in the dining hall.

"You know, Al, I can't go, but Cooper is having a party in the Friedmans' tonight. Why don't you go?" Katrina said casually.

"I'll think about it, but I don't know if we're cool like that, Kat," Alina said.

"You should go! It'll be fun! You've got nothing else to do," Katrina laughed.

Alina weighed her options. Another night sulking, or maybe finding a distraction? A hookup wouldn't be so bad, she thought.

"Ugh, fine! Tell Cooper, I'm coming. Alone." Alina consigned as she made her way to the door.

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