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Summertime arrived in a flash. Quarantine had made the weeks blur into one another. When they were feeling cabin fever, Alina and Kayla would mask up and go on little trips to the grocery store or stroll by the Schuylkill River. Alina was very clear about missing her exes. Sometimes they would fight about it, but they had decided that they would have an open relationship. They were tired of being tied down.

"What do you want to do today?" Alina asked Kayla.

"Well, I've been saving these for a special day." Kayla said, opening a little box on her bureau.

Two tabs of acid. Alina had never done any hard drugs before, just weed. Kayla, she learned, was experienced in the world of hallucinogens and had even taken crystal meth. Alina thought about her meds and how they would react. Alina was curious.

"And today is the day?" Alina asked, nervously.

"We've got nothing else to do." Kayla replied.

"All right." Alina said, still apprehensive.

Standing face to face, Kayla said, "Don't be nervous,", as she took the tab of acid and placed it on Alina's tongue.

"Here, take a hit. It'll make the high better." Kayla said firmly, passing Alina a joint.

Alina did not feel anything at first. She waited until she started to notice Kayla's face morph, her face getting rounder and eyes bigger, then smaller. She decided to put some water on her face. The purple shower curtain, which usually had lines, started waving and changing from purple to blue.

Looking in the mirror, Alina could see the horizon of death creeping in. She shrieked, and Kayla came running into the bathroom.

Alina, almost white, pointed to the mirror, "It's my depression! She's there."

"There's no depression, honey. It's going to be ok." Kayla said, worried, wondering whether she should have given Alina the acid.

Alina started to feel horny. Kayla, accustomed to acid trips, wanted to chill and listen to music, but she observed intently as Alina touched herself on the floor.

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