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Alina, Aisha, and Jacob were having lunch at Smorgasburg by the water. They had just been shopping at the Vans store for Jacob's new skate shoes. Alina and Jacob liked to go to the skate park in Astoria to give Aisha some alone time. It was summertime.

The air was different that day, Alina felt in her bones. In the distance, she saw a tall woman with long, fine brown hair, eating pupusas. She wore a flowy white shirt with bright red dangling earrings, ones Alina had seen before many moons ago. Alina recognized her fine wrists, delicately handling her food.

Aisha noticed Alina staring and could feel Alina's hand get cold in hers. Alina turned to Aisha, eyes painted with betrayal. Only, Aisha's Mona Lisa eyes brightened up and kissed Alina on the forehead.

"Go." Aisha whispered in Alina's ear.

Alina walked toward the figure. As she got closer, the honey brown eyes welcomed Alina's sight.

"Hi." Alina said shyly.

"Hi, mama." she replied. It was Eliza.

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