CHAPTER 13 -The Lost Clans' Echo

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Jarad's impatience crackled like static in the dimly lit lab. "Let's not waste another breath," he declared, his voice a rasp of urgency. "We need to see this for ourselves."

Jayden, already on the cusp of action, met his father's gaze with burning agreement. "I was about to say the same thing, Dad. Let's go."

A nod from Jarad sent Fike into motion. The air shimmered as he opened a swirling portal, the gateway to Nebula pulsating with raw energy. Alex, ever the curious shadow, lingered beside Jarad.

"But Mr. Fike," he piped up, his voice tinged with confusion, "how come only you can open portals? Dad and Grandpa can't do it."

Fike chuckled, a low rumble that seemed to emanate from the earth itself. "Spacial stuff, kid," he winked. "My specialty."

Jarad patted Alex's shoulder, his gaze softening. "Alex, I know you want to come, but this is too dangerous. We don't know what we'll face on Nebula."

But Alex, his chin set with stubborn determination, shook his head. "Dad, please. It'll be fine. I can learn a thing or two if I come along."

Jayden met his father's eyes, a silent plea in his own. Jarad sighed, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. "He's just like you, Jay," he chuckled. "Alright, let's get going."

Together, the unlikely team stepped into the swirling portal, swallowed by the blinding light that promised secrets, danger, and the unraveling of a truth too horrifying to comprehend.

They reemerged on Nebula, the familiar desolate landscape stretching before them under a bleak sky. Jarad retrieved a gleaming badge from his pocket, tapping its surface as he contacted Sabrina. "Gimme the coordinates of those aura signatures," he rumbled.

"Sending them right away, sir," Sabrina's voice crackled from the badge. A holographic screen flickered to life, displaying coordinates that made Jayden's blood run cold.

"Seriously?" he hissed, disbelief twisting his features. "These can't be right. There's no way these places exist."

Jarad's brow furrowed. "Why do you say that, Jayden? What's wrong?"

Jayden's voice trembled as he pointed at the screen. "These coordinates," he stammered, "they're off the damn map, Dad. These places... they shouldn't even be here."

A steely glint entered Jarad's eyes. "Let's see for ourselves, then."

Jayden protested, but Jarad's resolve was adamant. They reached the desolate edge of Nebula, a place where the land seemed to crumble into oblivion.

"Dad, I told you," Jayden insisted, his voice choked with frustration. "These coordinates, they're a dead end."

Jarad, unfazed, cast a piercing gaze at his son. "Jayden, use the Veil of Shadows. Right now."

Jayden hesitated, his eyes wide with apprehension. "But why?"

"Just do it," Jarad insisted, his voice laced with urgency.

Jayden, trusting his father's instincts, closed his eyes and uttered the forbidden command: "Shadowhart Clan secret art... Veil of Shadows."

A surge of blinding aura erupted from Jayden, a torrent of raw energy that lashed out like a vengeful spirit. Jarad watched in awe, a hint of pride battling with his concern.

Fike, caught in the blast, doubled over, hacking up blood. "What the hell?" he gasped, his eyes wide with terror. Alex, flung backward by the force, scrambled to his feet, eyes watering from the energy overload.

Jayden, drained but resolute, opened his eyes, his gaze falling upon the scene before him. His breath hitched in his throat, a strangled word escaping his lips.

"No," he whispered, voice barely a tremor. "It can't be."

Jarad, Fike, and Alex followed his line of sight, their faces reflecting the same dawning horror. The desolate wasteland had vanished, replaced by a sight that defied both logic and sanity.

What stood before them, shimmering in the distorted light, was a city. A city of impossible architecture, crafted from obsidian and glowing with an eerie internal light. A city that shouldn't exist, yet there it was, a monument to secrets kept and lies unraveled.



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