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Viva smiled at Branch as they ran, but she noticed him frowning and trying to pull away.

She frowned and picked him up, continuing to run, "Come on bud, it's okay, what's wrong? Tell sissy what's wrong?"

The little troll sighed and cuddled up to her, "Don't wanna leave, Flo Flo promised.."

Viva nearly cried, "I know he did, but sometimes...sometimes promises get broken.."

The grey troll seemed to droop even more.

Viva gave a goofy smile, "But here's a promise I'll never break! I promise to protect you for as long as I'm ali-AAHHHHH!"

Branch shrieked as Viva threw him ahead of her.

His eyes widened as he watched the tunnel collapse before his oldest sister could get through.

He began to cry, his colour much darker now.

He didn't even register as someone ran over and picked him up..

He could only sob and scream into their shoulder as he reached back desperately for Viva, "VIVA!!!"

Protecting BranchWhere stories live. Discover now