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Clay hadn't expected this when he reunited with his brothers.

He had seen Viva come out of hiding and he and the other Putt Putt trolls watched as they hid.

Branch and Poppy teared up as soon as they saw Viva and Branch began to cry.

"V-Vivaaaaa!" He cried as he ran to her and tackled her in a hug.

Viva was shocked at first but then she smiled and lifted him up, "Branch! Oh my god! My sweet Baby Branch!"

Then Poppy ran over as she cried, she quickly joined the hug.

Clay watched as his two oldest brothers walked over to the crying trio.

Then he slowly came out of hiding and walked over, after reassuring the Putt Putt trolls that he would be okay.

Once he made it to them he spoke up, "Viva..? John, Spruce, Baby Branch..? Um princess Poppy..?" He asked hesitantly.

Each brother looked up at his voice, then Branch pulled away from Poppy and Viva and lunged at him, tackling him in a hug as the other two brothers joined them.

Clay was very confused now, "Um.."

Viva smiled at him gently, "Clay, this is gonna confuse you, okay?"

Clay nodded.

Viva took a deep breath, "We're siblings!"

Clay nearly fainted, "Si-..wait how?"

Viva carefully lifted Branch off of him and helped him up, "Well a few years after you guys left Branch with your grandma, she got eaten and he turned grey, as you can see, he was bullied by everyone and he would run away from foster homes, so my father, King Peppy, adopted him when he turned eight. I dunno if he's still bullied, but if those other trolls wanna live then they better have grown up."

Poppy sighed when Viva looked at her, she shook her head, "They still bully him."

Then Clay got pissed, "Bullying my baby brother? I think the fuck not. Move. I'm gonna go take care of it."

Branch hugged Clay and looked up at him, "Wait! We need to save Flo Flo!"

Poppy put her hand on Branch's shoulder and nodded, "Floyd is trapped in a diamond prison."

Viva seemed hesitant to leave but she nodded, "I'm coming with."

Clay nodded in agreement, "I'm coming too."

They all nodded and ran towards Rhonda as Viva yelled to the Putt Putt trolls, "GUYS! I'M LEAVING LIVIE IN CHARGE! SHE KNOWS WHAT TO DO!"

Then they all piled into Rhonda.

Creek raised an eyebrow as they fell through the door and he picked up Branch and set him on the floor, "Well considering I see blonde and green hair I'm guessing you found more hel-wait what..?"

Viva bounced up with a wide smile, "Creek!"

Creek teared up and pulled her into a tight hug, "Viva! We thought you died!"

Viva pat him in the back, "I know little brother, it's okay..."

Creek then pulled away and Viva wiped his tears, "There we go.."

Soon the others were up and getting situated as Rhonda took off.

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