Tiny Diamond

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Tiny may be a literal baby but he knew that the way Branch was treated by most trolls was wrong.

Very wrong.

So when he'd snuck onto Rhonda with them, he kept a close eye on John Dory.

Just in case.

Admittedly he also kept an eye on Poppy, he knows that Poppy is Branch's older sister but it wouldn't hurt to watch her as well.

Tiny is also very careful with what he says around the grey troll.

He's been told that one wrong word could break him, he could shut down completely, really anything is possible.

He also made sure to interrupt people when he thought Branch might get hurt by their words.

But so far so good!

Branch seemed to be doing pretty good, until they got to a forest.

He seemed to become much quieter then normal..

Tiny Diamond was worried as he watched Branch.

So he got up and made his way over to the troll, "Hey, uh, you okay?"

Branch looked at him but it didn't look like he was seeing him..

Tiny took a deep breath, he's a big boy and this older kid needs help and that's what he's gonna do.

"Branch, take a deep breath."

Tiny watched him take a deep breath and he smiled, "Good, again."

Tiny smiled as he kept Branch breathing deeply and calmly, "There you go, all better now.."

Branch smiled at Tiny Diamond, "Thanks Tiny..."

Tiny nodded, "Yeah, of course!"

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